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DartmoorMike DartmoorMike hat einen Mod kommentiert

Not all maps need to be huge - some of us like to occasionally play on small tight maps with limited 'productions' (it is a farming game after all). Well done for your first attempt at map making! I will let you know of any issues I run into - do you want these in this forum or some other mechanism?

DartmoorMike DartmoorMike einen Mod bewertet
DartmoorMike DartmoorMike hat einen Mod kommentiert

This mod conflicts with Calmsden Farm. If the mod is used the game will not load. Remove the mod and the game will load. Tested and proved!

DartmoorMike DartmoorMike hat einen Mod kommentiert

Causes Calmsden game save to not load after adding this mod!

DartmoorMike DartmoorMike hat einen Mod kommentiert

Hi, contracts seem to have issues e.g. a harvesting contract says 92% complete when you have completed the task. Great map though - thank you!

DartmoorMike DartmoorMike einen Mod bewertet
DartmoorMike DartmoorMike hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

Je n'arrive pas à faire apparaître la carte dans la liste des cartes pour démarrer le jeu 🤬😭
J'ai besoin d'aide s'il vous plait 😥😥

I needed to edit the modDesc.xml to add an English title - and then it appeared in the game. It is a wonderful map!

DartmoorMike DartmoorMike hat einen Mod kommentiert

Congratulations on a brilliant map! I like small tight farming which this is very good for! A few issues for you to consider: I needed to edit the modDesc.xml to add an English title (so it could be seen in Farming Simulator 22). The cowbarn1 is floating very slightly. The straw appears white in cowbarn1. None of these are bad issues! Thank you so much for your hard work developing this map!

DartmoorMike DartmoorMike hat einen Mod kommentiert

Brilliant to have a Devon map (I'm in West Devon)! You got the feel about right too! Just a few very minor issues - but nothing worth worrying abut. Well done, and thanks VR Modding!

DartmoorMike DartmoorMike einen Mod bewertet