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KASE94 KASE94 hat einen Mod kommentiert

Cool mod. Only if you could fill them from your Seed or fertilizer silos instead of bags or pallets.

KASE94 KASE94 hat einen Mod kommentiert

Please make an edit for Zetor Crystal 170 HD with some more engine options (200+ hp) and color options, That would be really nice.

KASE94 KASE94 hat einen Mod kommentiert

AI will not buy or take from barns. It says tank is empty.

Also, AI wont turn off the tanker when turning around or reversing on a field resulting in a lot of wasted slurry.

KASE94 KASE94 hat einen Mod kommentiert

Swedish plates soon? :)

KASE94 KASE94 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet


Ideal harvesters AI wont empty the grain tank in the trailer. only empty 20L in the trailer then continues to drive :P

@Wrobelmen It could be yeah. That sounds good. Also, we have yet to test new holland harvesters in the n-q pack to see if they behave the same.

Keep up the good work man :)

KASE94 KASE94 hat einen Mod kommentiert


Ideal harvesters AI wont empty the grain tank in the trailer. only empty 20L in the trailer then continues to drive :P

KASE94 KASE94 hat einen Mod kommentiert

Finally an official release from Giants.

But please make the whole 8050 HiTech range while you guys are at it. 8950 would have been cool to have.

Also, the gearbox seems broken or so. AI keep shifting through LL, M up to H then back to LL and so forth when plowing and pulling something heavy. So its unusable if your not driving it with manual gearbox.

KASE94 KASE94 hat einen Mod kommentiert

Nice mod. But the AI wont turn the plow for me. Anyone else?

KASE94 KASE94 hat einen Mod kommentiert

Any updates to it soon? Like adding back the color options and all the other custom configs from the og pack? :)

If i remember it had 2002-2004 and 2006-2007 options to go along with it.

KASE94 KASE94 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

Love this. Nice details and a lot of options to choose from... BUT, it only manage to autoload up to 18 round bales sadly. Please make it load up to 24 like the other competition. Fix that, and it will be 10/10 trailer for me.

@IIKPSII it happens to all of us hehe :)