

6 Abonnenten


LegacyShadow30 LegacyShadow30 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

Hi, @legacyshadow30 over DynamicMissionVeichles, i can use both with BetterContracts without any conflicts right??

last time I played I had no issues with those mods if I remember correctly.

LegacyShadow30 LegacyShadow30 einen Mod aktualisiert
LegacyShadow30 LegacyShadow30 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

Contracts not working to unload grain at the Moara Generala

Hello, im sorry but i dont really have a fix for that yet. If u take contracts that make you deliver to factories it wont let you unload if you dont own that factory. I am aware of the issue and still trying to find the fix for it.

LegacyShadow30 LegacyShadow30 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

what do we need to harvest the onions and other new fruits?

No problem, and don't hesitate to tell me if u encounter any bug or issue on the map!

LegacyShadow30 LegacyShadow30 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

what do we need to harvest the onions and other new fruits?

For onion you will need a multifruit harvester like the potato one. Hops needs corn/sunflower headers with normal combines. If i am not wrong those are the ones that require special attention. the rest should be fine with normal harvesters
Here is a link to a multifruit harvester pack: https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs22/mods/21713/multi-fruit-harvester-pack

LegacyShadow30 LegacyShadow30 einen Mod aktualisiert
LegacyShadow30 LegacyShadow30 einen Mod aktualisiert
LegacyShadow30 LegacyShadow30 einen Mod aktualisiert