Milan 82

Milan 82

39 Abonnenten


Milan 82 Milan 82 einen Mod veröffentlicht
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Milan 82 Milan 82 hat einen Mod kommentiert

Ahoj , pěkný mod , jen v logu je několik varování . Ty by měli jít snadno opravit . V i3d si u exactFillRootNode nastav v rigidBody Preset na Exact Fill Root Node , takto by vlečka nefungovala spolu se zaměstancem v kombajnu , neotevřel by rouru. 2. věc, není to sice důležité ale v moddesc by měla být verze 94

Milan 82 Milan 82 einen Mod aktualisiert
Milan 82 Milan 82 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

awesome work guys, turned out quite nice. Enjoyed it the couple hours I tested it so far.

Any chance we happen to get a logfork for it?
secondly a decent light source would be nice but that's totally up to you guys.

@expanse Im sorry , try holding the right mouse button and moving with the mouse <- ->

Milan 82 Milan 82 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

awesome work guys, turned out quite nice. Enjoyed it the couple hours I tested it so far.

Any chance we happen to get a logfork for it?
secondly a decent light source would be nice but that's totally up to you guys.

@expanse Try holding both mouse buttons and moving with the mouse <- ->

Milan 82 Milan 82 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

awesome work guys, turned out quite nice. Enjoyed it the couple hours I tested it so far.

Any chance we happen to get a logfork for it?
secondly a decent light source would be nice but that's totally up to you guys.

@expanse OK , thats good , that its working. Also , if you have the shovel full , forward speed is only 12 km/h.

Milan 82 Milan 82 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

awesome work guys, turned out quite nice. Enjoyed it the couple hours I tested it so far.

Any chance we happen to get a logfork for it?
secondly a decent light source would be nice but that's totally up to you guys.

@expanse Well, first of all, only I work on this mod, the other two are the authors of previous versions from FS19 and FS22. For the log fork , no model is available for this machine. If you want , you could use tools from the skiddsteer technology , but i don't know if it will work. And I think that with a loaded log, the machine will lean forward.

Milan 82 Milan 82 einen Mod aktualisiert
Milan 82 Milan 82 einen Mod veröffentlicht