

6 Abonnenten


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Near Near einen Mod veröffentlicht
Near Near einen Mod veröffentlicht
Near Near hat einen Mod kommentiert

We can glitch through the wall lol

Near Near einen Mod bewertet
Near Near antwortete auf einen Kommentar zu einem Work-In-Progress

Hey!! Really excited to test your Mod!! :D will it be available soon?

@LbxModdingTeam Nice!!! More excited!! :D

Near Near antwortete auf einen Kommentar zu einem Work-In-Progress

Hey!! Really excited to test your Mod!! :D will it be available soon?

@LbxModdingTeam Do you think you will work on other tesla vehicle after that? Like the Cybertruck or the Semi Tesla?

Near Near antwortete auf einen Kommentar zu einem Work-In-Progress

Hey!! Really excited to test your Mod!! :D will it be available soon?

@LbxModdingTeam Self driving will be included? lol