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pavelman86 pavelman86 hat einen Mod kommentiert

I'm curious! What version of FS is this envelope from? FS11-13-15-17-19????

pavelman86 pavelman86 hat einen Mod kommentiert

many warnings and errors!!! ATTENTION! This mod recommends (Published by KingMods)!!!
Warning : Missing exactFillRootNode for fuel fill unit (1).
Error : Sound template 'WATER_SPLASH_01' was not found in vehicle.drivable.sounds.waterSplash
Warning : Obsolete ai collision trigger ground. Please replace with empty transform group and add size attributes. ''
Warning : Unable to find dashboard group 'MOTOR_ACTIVE' for dashboard 'vehicle.motorized.dashboards.dashboard(1)'
Error: keyframes not strictly monotonic increasing
Warning : repr and driveNode may not be equal. Using default driveNode instead! (vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(0).wheels.wheel(0))
Warning : repr and driveNode may not be equal. Using default driveNode instead! (vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(0).wheels.wheel(1))
Warning : Invalid camera shadow focus box 'shadowFocusBox'. Must be a shape and cpu mesh
Error: Index not found: wheelBackLeft
Error: Index not found: wheelBackRight

pavelman86 pavelman86 hat einen Mod kommentiert

Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): I3D file offers '3' objects, but '2' components have been loaded!
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): 'vehicle.baseMaterial' is not supported anymore!
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): 'vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJointConfigurations.attacherJointConfiguration(0).attacherJoint(0).topArm#color' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJointConfigurations.attacherJointConfiguration(0).attacherJoint(0).topArm#materialTemplateName' instead!
Error (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): Sound template 'WATER_SPLASH_01' was not found in vehicle.drivable.sounds.waterSplash
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): Top arm filename is referring to the i3d file. Please use the xml file instead. (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/shared/upperLink.i3d)
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): Missing categoryRange or widthRange attribute for bottom arm in 'vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJointConfigurations.attacherJointConfiguration(0).attacherJoint(0)'
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): Pto output needs to have valid 'attacherJointIndices' or 'attacherJointNodes' in 'vehicle.powerTakeOffs.output(1)'

Before publishing the mod in groups, use the program from the developers! (TestRunner_public_0_9_4)

pavelman86 pavelman86 hat einen Mod kommentiert

Warning (C:/mods/FS25_GAZ_53/GAZ_53.xml): Discharge node fill unit index already used for AI. Discharge node will be ignored for 'vehicle.dischargeable.dischargeableConfigurations.dischargeableConfiguration(0).dischargeNode(1)'
Warning: 'C:/mods/FS25_GAZ_53/GAZ_53.xml' has invalid fillType 'BULK'.

pavelman86 pavelman86 hat einen Mod kommentiert

modDesc Who to believe?

pavelman86 pavelman86 hat einen Mod kommentiert



fs25 shader functions not working???  

pavelman86 pavelman86 hat einen Mod kommentiert

ATTENTION! No choice of wheels! Maybe this is a scammer!?

pavelman86 pavelman86 hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

link nie działa

@Miziuu Page Not Found
Wygląda na to, że nie zostałeś zablokowany bez powodu!

pavelman86 pavelman86 hat einen Mod kommentiert
