Taz PolyCount

Taz PolyCount

4 Abonnenten


Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount einen Mod bewertet
Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount einen Mod bewertet
Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet
Taz PolyCount

Could use fuel amount in tank on hud instead of fuel consumption

@MathiasHun so far works fine :D got the mod only for fuel level thingy :D

Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount hat einen Mod kommentiert

Please add bale loading config!

Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount hat einen Mod kommentiert

Could use fuel amount in tank on hud instead of fuel consumption

Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount hat einen Mod kommentiert

would be nice to have bale transport configs

Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount einen Mod bewertet
Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount hat einen Mod kommentiert

PSE-12,5B(regular model) has wrong attacher joint type for drawbar to be able to attach two trailers together.

And I would suggest removing back side of trailer body in bale trailer config since nothing is holding it up.

Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount hat einen Mod kommentiert

there's little issue when picking color options:

When trying to pick "Original Green" color it goes back to "Original Green Plastic" option same with "Green option" so... if I try to pick Plastic option of both colors it goes back to the option without word plastic in the option

Taz PolyCount Taz PolyCount hat auf einen Kommentar zu einem Mod geantwortet

The archive is a mess!

ok! no need to be sassy here... archive isn't the main reason for fps drops and stuff. Take all the TLX mods for example... it's Modhub mod... passed without too much fuss... ton of options, you take ages to pick truck you like... Put too many of these trucks on the game or server and you get your FPS drops.... Finally downloading mods from any 3rd site is up to player him self consideration