La Vieille Sèvre

Jerem modding
307 subscribers
3 903

This Work-In-Progress has been archived. This may be due to a long period of inactivity or due to the author's decision. We cannot know if it will be updated again later or not.

Village and first farm completed

Hello, I am currently working on a new map which will include:
- 2 villages
- 2 farms with a farm that has two operating sites
- 2 points of sale
- New animals with calves, bulls and maybe goat
- Culture texture changed, and for the same soil

My objective is to make a map with a good hilly, little flat field, and alternate the larger plots with the smaller ones.

La Vieille Sèvre
La Vieille Sèvre
La Vieille Sèvre

hâte de découvrir la suite, elle en est ou?


j habite dans le nord deux sevre vallée de l argenton et vus les image sa ressemble bien la taille des champs les routes...


salut, je parie que tu habite dans le sud-est Vendée ou nord Deux-Sèvre ;-)
j'ai l'impréssion de voir la campagne autour de chez moi dans tes maps
t le meilleur mappeur que j'ai vu
continue comme ça
Good Luck pour cette map