Mining Construction Economy Terrafarm Edition

  • Mining Construction Economy Terrafarm Edition
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This is the version 5.1 of MCE map and probably the last one. At this moment my attention on maps is on TCBO MCE for FS22

On this version you made your own Mine as you want. I only leave a small layer of material to identify the type of material the rest is with you ;)


- For you can dig Lithium ore you need a Terrafarm mod version edited by me. You can find here:

- Terrafarm allow exculping the terrain, pay attention and do not dig close the objects from the map or the map stay strange with somethings flying. Use the areas i haved mark.

  • - fix bricks pallet

    - fix the textures when cultivate or plow

    - Adjust the trigger for loading tires

    - Fix the collision on road go to shop to the mines

    - Add same textures from materials to the map (when use terrafarm v4 can paint the same texture you dig. ex: dig Coal paint coal).

    - Can convert materials when use the mobile crushers.

    - both versions (normal and terrafarm edition) on same file

    - fix the problem when dig under the rocks to pass to coal mine and dirt mine

    - fix the hotspot for tires trigger

    - add more two farmlands for turn possible dig riversand on all river
    - fix some textures

    I recommend start a new save game.

  • - adjust the gold processor production

    - hotspot for mark the loading tires place on PDA

    - discharge sounds for mining materials

    - Fix the plates positions with material type on stone crusher (again!).

    - Add code to convert mining materials when use tools like mobile crushers.

  • Giants
  • Nonnus
  • FS Miner
  • All modders made i3d models