Pallet Autoload Specialization

  • Pallet Autoload Specialization
  • Pallet Autoload Specialization
  • Pallet Autoload Specialization
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Base Mod for using Mods with Pallet Autoload Specialization

An example of how to use in your own mod you will find in the Strautmann SEK 802 Pallet Autoload.
Currently supported from the standard game:
- Standard Euro pallets
- Liquid tanks
- Big bag pallets
- Round bales
- Square bales 120/180/220/240
- Bigbags
Pallets from the following mods can be used:
- Package Of Premium Pallets And Bags
- HoT Fries Factory
In addition, all Euro pallets that are constructed according to the principle of the basic play pallets.

Activate loading with [B] and then drive next to a pallet or bale to load it.
Make sure that you have selected the correct load.
The pallets or bales will then lie on the loading area as if they were loaded by hand.
Do not forget to fasten the straps, otherwise they will slip.
You can select the unloading side with [U] and unload with [I].
The loading switches off automatically when there is no more loading area.
You can also switch it off yourself with [B].

Instructions for build in and help you will find on the Bitbucket Wiki

Upload on other sites only by myself, linking only with original download link. NO substitute link!
Modifying and re-uploading in whole or in part is not allowed!

  • - Incorrect info trigger collision masks and incorrect light trigger RigidBodyTypes are now corrected with log message. (Attention, this is reported by the mod with info in the log. However, depending on the constellation, the LS may then display an additional warning. The information contains data about the mod that contains the wrong triggers. These errors must be corrected by the modder of the respective mod).
    - Definition for standard cargo moved to XML to make it easier to add more and have a better overview.
    - Packet added that shows all vehicles with a configuration for the autoloader.
    - Liquid tanks from Farm Production DLC can now be loaded like other liquid tanks

  • - Improved load detection with Course Play
    - Tensioning strap setting is now also taken into account when manually ending the loading process
    - Dependence on itself removed, so that it can be deleted again on the Dedi
    - Liquid tanks are now no longer stackable, regardless of the available loading height
    - Readout error of Lua rounded for better loading result
    - Vegetable pallet added if Premium DLC is available
    - M+ feed pallets defined as oversized

  • - Improved translations in different languages
    - Added LoadHeightOffset for pallets whose origin is not under the pallet
    - By configurable key (default CTRL+ALT+Y) the load can be selected automatically based on what is in load range
    - A selection of loadable objects is displayed in the purchase menu.
    - When loading on an AL, the loaded objects are taken out of the loading list for the other ALs (fix for Giants Trigger error).

  • - Improved loading behaviour. Everything is held virtually as long as the loading process is active, which should improve loading in the field.
    - Vehicles equipped with the autoloader now have stronger straps.
    - Bales are now only recognised if they are registered
    - Revision of pickup collisions for AI traffic. (If bigbags were activated, load has to be approached again)
    - Problem with too fast loading at the new object storages fixed with adding adelay on load
    - Bales and pallets are only loaded when they are no longer attached to another Attacher

    - Romanian translation added
    - usePalletWeightReduction fixed
    - Loading area can now have different sizes per load
    - Activated collision for joint during loading following the example of the tension belts from patch 1.8.
    - Unload lua error bypassed and log entries inserted. When the warning occurs, the whole log should be posted in the Discord channel of the autoloader.
    - Platinum DLC palette sizes can now also be used for other palettes if the Platinum DLC is active.

    - Renamed to because of change of Giants Guidelines
    - Pallet of Pumps&Hoses DLC added as own load
    - Pallets of the Platinum DLC with FS22 standard Euro pallet size can now be loaded as such as well
    - Special sizes of the Platinum DLC pallets added as own load
    - 120 bale stacks can now be loaded as 240 bales
    - Cotton square bales can now be loaded (Base game bales cause log warnings with tension belts, just do not tie them down with tension belts)
    - Pallet weight is now correctly restored on unloading
    - Round bales are now only checked square for space, because the engine can not do this round and rotate the check area itself depending on the compass direction does not work

  • - Fix Lua error when triggers are not correct reporting the delete of a loading object
    - Extend lengthwise loading pattern to load additional object transverse behind when there is enough space
    - simplify bale identifying for better mod compatibility
    - Add second binding to step backwards through the loading type list (default shift + Y)

  • - Extension of the selectable load can now be done with mods via script.
    - Mod icon improved
    - Pallets are now also recognised if they are not directly of the type "pallet"

    - Add usePalletWeightReduction config setting to reduce pallet weight on loading. Default is true
    - Cleaned up changelog
    - better possibilities of loading state for CP
    - BR translation added
    - new functions for reading the bale status added
    - Bales are no longer pulled out of the bale chamber or wrapper.

  • - SV translations added
    - Cotton bales simplified in recognition
    - Correction for square bales with small loading areas
    - Eventlistener deregistered for non AL configuration to improve performance
    - Move unloading area in F1 menu only show if markers are visible.

    - Einlagern und Auslagern Texte bei Revamp 1.0 korrigiert
    - Fix für Lua fehler ohne PF
    - Misthaufen Info: Anzeige welche Ställe verbunden sind.
    - PF Teilanzeigen korrigiert so dass auch hier die Grundstücke die kein Feld haben, ignoriert werden und das anhand der Feldflächen gemacht wird.
    - Maximal Anzeigen in Produktionen wieder da, wenn Revamp 1.0 vorhanden ist.

  • - Lua Trigger error solved caused by update 1.4
    - Tension Belt trigger reworked

    - The loading bay memory list is now also reset when the system is switched off.
    - Autoloaders can no longer take pallets from the loading area of another autoloader (multiple trailers)
    - onAIFieldWorker events implemented
    - Tension belts now have a delay between loosening and tightening to improve server sync with patch 1.4. On the server 1.5 seconds in single player 0.2 seconds. Feedback on this is welcome.
    - Dropped pallets or pallets taken down by hand are now not moved again during unloading
    - Fix stream error
    - Add missing translation
    - Automatic tension belts on dedi server activated again regarding the settings the modder of the vehicle has defined.
    - Automatic tension belts can now be activated/deactivated per vehicle by [lctrl]+[J]. This is stored per vehicle.
    - Optimized searching valid load place by remembering invalid load places as long as the loader is active.
    - add unloading side backwards for all vehicles by default. Position can configured by the modder.
    - Changed priorities of the key binding to have important entries better visible in the F1 Help.
    - Changed activation to LS standard for loading wagon [B] and always activatable.
    - Text of unloading page in F1 on Dedi fixed.
    - Support of Multifruit Pack bales incl. lavender round bales (loadable as cotton round bales)
    - Load only selectable when load mode is deactivated
    - Automatic tightening straps on dedicated server disabled due to engine sync errors
    - External access optimised
    - Square bale loading behaviour optimised
    - Fix for Wool pallet
    - Possibility for external mods to access the functions created
    - Selected cargo is now displayed as extra text in the help menu
    - Palette sizes adapted to average values of new mods
    - Automatic ratchet straps re-enabled on Dedi Server. Until Giants has patched this this mod is necessary.
    - Modders can now also make their own palettes loadable through the folder structure. Details on the wiki.
    - Modification of the communication with the Dedi Server to improve the performance.
    - Loading mode now remains active until the trailer is full or it is switched off. Tension belts are tightened in between if the trailer supports it.
    - Vehicle scheme shows when loading is activated.
    - Maximum capacity displayed when load selection is made.
    - Automatic tensioning straps deactivated on Dedi Server because of the bug from patch 1.3.

  • Changelog
    - Add default round bales 125/150/180. Must be enabled by the modder of the trailer (useBales="true")

    - Size of liquid tank corrected for better loading
    - Round bale loading optimized
    - Icons for modder added in mod
    - Translation in CZ

    - 125cm wood chips bales added

    - Bigbags hinzugefügt
    - Übersetzungen verbessert
    - Spanngurte automatisch anziehen. Muss vom Modder des Trailers aktiviert werden (useTensionBelts="true")
    - Ballen laden in Bewegung verbessert
    - Support von Mod "Paket Von Premium-Paletten Und Säcken"
    - Support von Mod "HoT Pommes Factory"
    - Quaderballen 180/220/240 hinzugefügt

  • Achimobil