Fed Pack Usines

  • Fed Pack Usines
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The Fed Mods package currently consists of

Fertilizer production (manure and slurry become fertilizer)
Seed production (from cereals such as wheat + fertilizer that we sow)
Fermenter (grass and/or chaff becomes silage)
Feed factory (compound feed for cows and production of feed for pigs)
Refinery (canola or sunflower becomes diesel and pig feed)

  • - New production carpentry with beehive production, empty wooden crates, wooden barrels, empty pallets and furniture

    - New production cheese factory with production of cheese, cream cheese and mozzarella

    - New production bakery with production of breads, rolls, pastries and cakes

    - New gravel production plant with production of gravel, sand, earth and stones

    - Apple, cherry, plum and pear orchard production line with beehive and honey production

    - Fixed the error message provided at the malthouse

    - Full English translation of all productions

    - Flour factory streetlights moved a bit

    - Sawmill change operation now also added for plank pallets

    - Slightly increased the capacity of sawmill products

    - Pellets Pallets den Beladefehler fixed

    - Ballentrigger fodder factory now also takes alfalfa bales

    - Orchards added missing collision to small building

  • FedAction