CB Radio Helpers

  • CB Radio Helpers
  • CB Radio Helpers
47 subscribers
36 189

UPDATE: now control the hourly wage of your helper!

Get some CB radio chatter from your helpers! Instead of helpers just popping into their vehicle, you'll get alerted with an audio "CB" shout out.

A discrete GUI panel is also added for combines showing each machine in service, their fill load percentage, speed, helper, field, direction and alert status (like combine full).

Over 200 samples (and growing)!
ALPHA German and French release
ALPHA multiplayer support
Know when helpers have started, get blocked or have completed a task.
"ride along" greetings if you tab into a helper's vehicle
Multiple voicing scripts help make the CB chatter non-repetitive
Supports male and female voices
Helpers have names (not just A, B, etc)
Hourly alerts
Weather alerts
Sunrise/Sunset alerts

Works with Courseplay

the CB audio is in English with ALPHA German and French. More language packs to come.

the multiplayer is still a work in progress, but does operate

DO NOT use with the FS22_HelperNameHelper mod. it is changing the helper ID issued from the GIANTS engine, creating issues with the role/gender voicing logic in this mod

  • Changelog Version
    - added helperHourlyWage to modDesc.xml allowing to set helper wage (default $50)
    - added debug switch
    Changelog Version
    - removed code throwing networking error (thx @sneaky42)
    - fixed some misnamed audio files (thx @Tazmanyak)
    - re-did initialization processing
    - note: still seeing an error that is NOT a fatal error in the register process. you can ignore this for now.
    Changelog Version
    - added multiplayer
    - additional language audio tracks
    - logging cleanup
    - fixed errors with loading some audio files (thx @SilverBackSpartan)
    - code setup for adding helper discounted pay rates
    Changelog Version
    - corrected unloading issue when non-combine vehicles are trigger the discharge action (thx @taliankuznetsova)
    - more cleanup of log.txt output

  • - reduction in debugging info to log
    - ALPHA release German audio files will now start to play
    - ALPHA release French audio files will now start to play
    - BOTH German and French are WORKS IN PROGRESS and do NOT have the CB audio effect
    - only certain actions are spoken in "non-English" with this release

  • - updated shop logo
    - speed now shows in KPH if needed
    - helper names moved to modDesc.xml
    - overhauled for multiple languages
    - underlay panel hides when no combine helpers active
    - added detection for conflicting mod HELPERNAME HELPER V1.0
