Case IH Magnum AFS US/EU Series

  • Case IH Magnum AFS US/EU Series
  • Case IH Magnum AFS US/EU Series
  • Case IH Magnum AFS US/EU Series
  • Case IH Magnum AFS US/EU Series
  • Case IH Magnum AFS US/EU Series
  • Case IH Magnum AFS US/EU Series
Casearias Modding
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Case IH Magnum AFS US/EU Series

Base Price: $312.000

AFS Connect with now correct US version besides EU version.

What's new with US version?
- New rims
- 30in Row Crop configurations
- New Michelin and Lizard row crop wheel configurations
- LSW Tires
- US hitch
- US Quick 3 Point hitch
- US Front and Rear fenders

Other features added:
- Rim color selection
- Design color selection (RED or BLACK)
- Kinze monitors
- Door animation
- Steering base animation

  • -Added 250 HP, 280 HP and 310 HP engine options
    -New CNH Rims
    -Added 2 shades of grey for rims colors
    -Added front inner rims color configuration
    -Added rear fenders configurations
    -Added seat color configuration
    -Added exhaust color configuration
    -Added 22-inch and 36-inch options
    -Triples rear tires now available
    -Added two new monitors (PP from KarlFarms)
    -Corrected windows tint
    -Added windows tint configuration
    -Added beacon lights configurations
    -Added front configurations (now weights option)
    -Now, the tracked version is separated from the wheeled version in the store
    -Isaria Pro Compact Ready

  • -Added 250 HP, 280 HP and 310 HP engine options
    -New CNH Rims
    -Added 2 shades of grey for rims colors
    -Added front inner rims color configuration
    -Added rear fenders configurations
    -Added seat color configuration
    -Added exhaust color configuration
    -Added 22-inch and 36-inch options
    -Triples rear tires now available
    -Added two new monitors (PP from KarlFarms)
    -Corrected windows tint
    -Added windows tint configuration
    -Added beacon lights configurations
    -Added front configurations (now weights option)
    -Now, the tracked version is separated from the wheeled version in the store
    -Isaria Pro Compact Ready
