IHC 353

  • IHC 353
  • IHC 353
  • IHC 353
  • IHC 353
28 subscribers
68 394

It's an IHC 353 with lots of nice details

PS: 35
KMH: 32
Built: 1969 in Neuss Germany
Simple IC compatible
-Front: weight holder
-Tire variant: BKT
-Cutter bar included in the mowing technology category

  • User-identified Peko roof with interactive control installed

  • It was done: Textures completely revised, log cleaned, test runner almost error-free, legal matters changed, brackets with screws processed, the mod file neatly reduced in size and the upper link was changed.
    It's worth it :) !

  • Added roll bar and tire variant. Acker track now has a ball hitch

  • battery rail problem fixed fritzmeier decal added

  • Added cutter bar to the ihc is now included in the dl can be found under mowing technology when the mod is installed.
    (cutter bar update)

  • - Added cutter bar

  • in this update i made the dashboard functional

  • size adjusted hydraulics now works connections also available seat + textures adjusted
    ,I hope you like the new version...

  • fix the collision error, so he is currently quite ready for the DL. Have fun, support aufm discord
    -Mod folder filtered, garbage out

  • A fix because of the log errors, the mod file was reduced (25mb) then the shader problem was fixed, new decal is also available Hope you like it, report errors on the discord LG PBS

  • Hello, I have adjusted all the icons and made the configurations more realistic, the mod size has been reduced a lot

  • model identification error raised, i.e. the 353 was marked as 323
    -numbers and trademarks enlarged

  • -bug fixes-
    -Tire no longer peeps through the fender
    -rear hydraulics is no longer sold
    - Color choice of the side parts
    -Exhaust color choice

  • a new rear hydraulic system was installed and now looks more real

  • Fritz Meier M315
    Weight holder, front hydraulics
    GPS controller: yes, no
    Front fender made narrower
    textures improved
    Simple IC exchanged for IC with the more modern design

  • New hood new fenders new FH/H new front loader new hood new exhaust a complete rebuild new store photos Beta!

  • !!hello I put a lot of effort into this update, from the hood to the FH to the front loader, so everything has been revised I hope you like this patch super!!

  • Hi for my part, I once again put a lot of work into the international, especially into the hood because of the color, I would have to take a different look at some point because the vehicle shader doesn't really want to, but well, have fun with the IHC 353, I completely renewed the hood, the tires are new, the sound is a bit buggy but it is still being worked on

  • New hood, bug fixes, more realistic, and more

  • i reworked all the lights, checked the front loader consoles, added new tire configurations and raised the rear fenders

  • I have added colors and front loader configurations, the fritzmeier roof has been revised and the rear has been redesigned, number plates are now available too

  • I've added a bracket and a front loader configuration. It's best to unhook the front loader first when it's down

  • i changed the front a bit and added some configurations, rim color choice was also added, textures were revised too
