The Lab - Gas and Chemical Plant

  • The Lab - Gas and Chemical Plant
  • The Lab - Gas and Chemical Plant
  • The Lab - Gas and Chemical Plant
  • The Lab - Gas and Chemical Plant
  • The Lab - Gas and Chemical Plant
  • The Lab - Gas and Chemical Plant
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-This mod extends the use of methane and electric charge from BGAs to your vehicles.
-BGAs that spawn battery pallets and load methane to special trailers allow you to fill and reload from purchasable charging station and/or biogas station that you must fill to use.
-All BGAs included allow Methane to be loaded into vehicles and electric charge to be spawned in battery pallets with double output speeds.
-Compost and tobacco are also included to provide alternative options for BioGas production and enhancement.
-Based on real world applications, the following crops can be used to produce Silage at the Fermentation Loft: Sunflower, Sugarcane, Canola, Corn, Soybean, Tobacco, Hay, Grass & Chaff
-Refined Seed Oil used to produce BGA products can be made from Sunflower, Sugarcane, Canola, Corn, Soybean, Tobacco or Cotton
-Productions x7, Vehicles x3, Trailers x3, Greenhouses x2, Tools x2

Production Factories
The Lab Chemical Factory

Input: Silage Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Liquid Manure Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Manure Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Sugarbeet Outputs: Sugarbeet Cut
Input: Sugarbeet Cut Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Compost Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Digestate, Woodchips, Water Outputs: Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen
Input: Electric Charge, Water Outputs: Hydrogen, Oxygen
Input: Woodchips, Stone Outputs: Carbon, Oxygen, Lime
Input: Nitrogen, Hydrogen Outputs: Anhydrous Ammonia
Input: Carbon, Hydrogen Outputs: Propane
Input: Carbon, Hydrogen Outputs: Methane
Input: Nitrogen, Oxygen Outputs: Liquid Nitrogen
Input: Crop Seed Oil Outputs: Diesel, Liquid Fertilizer, Methane
Input: Propane Outputs: Diesel




Tobacco Processor:

Input: Tobacco Outputs: Cured Tobacco, Tobacco Seed
Input: Cured Tobacco Outputs: Silage

Tobacco Seed Press:

Input: Tobacco Seed Outputs: Crop Seed Oil
Input: Sunflower Outputs: Crop Seed Oil
Input: Canola Outputs: Crop Seed Oil
Input: Cotton Outputs: Crop Seed Oil, Fabric
Input: Sugarcane Outputs: Crop Seed Oil
Input: Maize Outputs: Crop Seed Oil

Crop Fermentation Loft:

Input: Chaff Outputs: Silage
Input: Grass, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Hay, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Sunflower, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Sugarcane, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Canola, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Maize, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Soybean, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Tobacco, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage

Categories: Production Tools
Charging Station

Biogas Station

Categories: Vehicles Small Tractors

TK4/TK4 Electric

Categories: Tools Trailers


Categories: Production Greenhouses
Composthouse Small:

Tobaccohouse Small:

  • Complete mod overhaul!

  • Added:
    ​The Lab Chemical Transport Semi Trailer - Capacity 100,000- Cost: $95,500
    ​The Lab Chemical Transport Pull-behind Trailer - Capacity 26,056- Cost: $5,000
    ​The Lab Company Fertilizing Planter - Holds all Seeds-8,228L Liquid Nitrogen/Anhydrous-12,840L - Usage Scale- .4- Cost: $149,500
