Logistics center

  • Logistics center
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The logistics center is used to store all standard products. The camp is divided into 4 parts.
Transhipment point: This is where the goods can be accepted and loaded. All gates can be opened and closed with a switch.
Main warehouse: Most products can be found here, e.g. flour, sugar, fabrics, etc.
Cold storage: Here you can store products such as Tomatoes, lettuce, chocolate, etc. The cold store has 2 more doors where you can store directly from there.
Small warehouse: Here you will find storage space for e.g. empty pallets, wool etc.
All goods that are stored are also displayed visibly on the shelves from a certain quantity, and all shelves are equipped with displays that show the current level.

  • The height of the hall floor has been adjusted. Other trailers can now also be used in addition to the KögelBlackEdition.

    Otherwise everything has remained the same, in order to use the displays the mod FS22_placebleDisplayExtension is still required.


    Likewise, a production for empty pallets is still required, for example. These ones.


  • hot fix for the placebleDisplayExtention. Now are the display headlines correctly in the displays

  • good Morning

    What has been changed,

    the clip distance has been adjusted

    Textures have been revised

    3d object was changed in parts eg. Cold store has been enlarged, more pallets can now be spawned

    existing displays have been revised

    added new displays

    Switches for lights and gates have been renewed

    Office now has Pc's with active displays

    General errors have been fixed, e.g. cakes and eggs that were mixed up

    Translations were being worked on here, thanks again to bob51160 for the French translation

    By adding the new outdoor displays you can change the name or location name in the xml here in the standard Hanover is entered

    as an example

    <!--Display Goal Gauge1 -->
    <display rootNode="0>4|17" font="DIGIT" mask="000000000" size="0.1" scaleX="0.5" scaleY="0.5" color="0 0 1 1" hiddenColor="0.05 0.05 0.05 0" emissiveScale="1" titleAlignment="LEFT" fillLevelAlignment="RIGHT" capacityAlignment="RIGHT">
    <displayLine headLineText="$l10n_1LogisticsCenter" font="GENERIC" lineTitleAlignment="CENTER" lineSize="0.075" headLineNode="0>4|17|0|0" lineColor="1 1 1 1" />
    <displayLine headLineText="$l10n_1Hannover" font="GENERIC" lineTitleAlignment="CENTER" lineSize="0.075" headLineNode="0>4|17|0|1" lineColor="1 1 1 1" />
    <displayLine headLineText="$l10n_1TOR&WCF_AMPERSAND 1" font="GENERIC" lineTitleAlignment="CENTER" lineSize="0.12" headLineNode="0>4|17|0|3" lineColor="0.413 0.220 0.074 1" />
    <displayLine headLineText="$l10n_1Goods acceptance" font="GENERIC" lineTitleAlignment="CENTER" lineSize="0.075" headLineNode="0>4|17|0|2" lineColor="1 1 1 1" />
    <displayLine headLineText="$l10n_1TOR&WCF_AMPERSAND 1" font="GENERIC" lineTitleAlignment="CENTER" lineSize="0.25" headLineNode="0>4|26|0|0" lineColor="1 1 1 1" />

    changes the displayLine $l10n_1Hannover e.g. to $l10n_1NFMarsch. The only important thing here is that you also rewrite the change in the translation or simply leave out the $l10n_1 and only write NfMarsch

    the problem with the snow has also been fixed, snow no longer spawns in the halls

    The file has been reduced a lot

    The choice of color for the bearing now also works better when the texture is changed.

    Last but not least, you need these mods for the camp

    This one is for the displays


    Then revamp​


    and you need an empty pallet production that has the EMPTYPALETTS fill type, I recommend this one


Required mods