Stables With Larger Pastures

  • Stables With Larger Pastures
  • Stables With Larger Pastures
  • Stables With Larger Pastures
  • Stables With Larger Pastures
  • Stables With Larger Pastures
  • Stables With Larger Pastures
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We farmers care about the well-being of the animals.
That is why most of the animals now have a large stable with an even larger pasture.
The animals will appreciate it and certainly show their gratitude.

The fences were removed in order to have more freedom in the design of the courtyards.

Changes to the Great Sheepfold
new price: 137.000$
new daily maintenance: 170$
new animal limit: 130
storage for feed increased: 23.000l

Changes to the big pigsty
new price: 194.000$
new daily maintenance: 170$
new animal limit: 300
storage for feed increased: 115.000l
Optically adapted by a new silo

Changes to the big chicken coop
new price: 99.000$
new daily maintenance: 115$
new animal limit: 500
storage for feed increased: 22.500l
optically adapted by a new silo
Pallet spawn increased to 12

Changes to the big cowshed
new price: 548.500$
new daily maintenance: 220$
new animal limit: 105
storage for feed increased: 75.000l
storage for straw increased: 45.000l

Changes to the big cowshed with feeding robot
new price: 752.500$
new daily maintenance: 370$
new animal limit: 105
storage for feed increased: 75.000l
storage for straw increased: 45.000l

  • - All pastures and stables now have a visible area that shows how big the pasture is at the stable.
    - The visible area can be removed at each stable/pasture. For this there is a spanner symbol at each stable/pasture.
    - Feed storage of stables and pastures slightly adapted for players with MaizePlus.
    - Change to the large cowshed with feeding robot: The amount that the robot spreads with each round has been increased so that all 105 cows also get their feed.

  • - Some collisions corrected
    - Unloading trigger at the sheep pen moved for better unloading
    - Moddesc version changed
    - New! Horse stable with big pasture:
    New price: 145.000$
    New daily maintenance: 200$
    New animal limit: 16
    Storage for fodder increased: 35.000l
    Storage for straw increased: 8.600l
    Unloading trigger moved for better unloading
    Fences removed
    Added obstacles for riding
    - New! Large pasture for chickens:
    New price: 45.000$
    New daily maintenance: 35$
    New animal limit: 200
    Storage for feed increased: 7.500l
    Fences removed
    - New! Large pasture for cows:
    New price: 115.000$
    New daily maintenance: 100$
    New animal limit: 25
    Storage for fodder increased: 17.250l
    Storage for water increased: 11.000l
    Fences removed
    - New! Large pasture for pigs:
    New price: 52.000$
    New daily maintenance: 55$
    New animal limit: 60
    Storage for fodder increased: 14.500l
    Storage for water increased: 6.500l
    Fences removed
    - New! Large pasture for sheep:
    New price: 39.000$
    New daily maintenance: 40$
    New animal limit: 25
    Storage for fodder increased: 7.500l
    Storage for water increased: 3.500l
    Fences removed

  • NGN624