Ag-Bag silage bagger

  • Ag-Bag silage bagger
  • Ag-Bag silage bagger
  • Ag-Bag silage bagger
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Published by KingMods
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Converted from 19 and updated to be more realistic.
There are two (2) download options.
One is the basic bagger that will work on any map. Converts grass and straw to silage and corn to mineral feed (like high-moisture corn, obviously requires a separate silage bag)
The second has Westby in the name guessed it, its setup to work specifically with the Westby, WI 4x map found on MB Farm's page.
This converts straw to silage, grass to grass silage, raw cornmeal to fermented cornmeal, and finally wet corn to fermented cornmeal (at a reduced conversion rate).
Both baggers operate easily, back the bagger up to the pallet of bags and secure it to start filling.
It is not recommended to travel long distances with a paddle on the back, this will cause some slippage.
Once the bag starts filling up, it's nearly impossible to move except with Super Strength mods.
Due to game limitations, the bag fills backwards, the opposite of how a real bagger works.
unplug the bagging unit when you are done, you can now unload your silage.
Drive to the open face with a loader/skid steer/whatever and your bucket will fill up.

Price: €12,500 + €550 for the ag-bag

  • JMF Modding