Dragon's Den Production Extension

  • Dragon's Den Production Extension
  • Dragon's Den Production Extension
  • Dragon's Den Production Extension
  • Dragon's Den Production Extension
  • Dragon's Den Production Extension
  • Dragon's Den Production Extension
41 subscribers
76 354

full description at https://www.dragondenmodding.com/FS22-Mods/dd-production-extension

Make a backup of your game save before updating the mod

Note: If you use the upgrade Factory mod you must delete the Greenhouse, Greenhouse Hoop, and Orchard before updating to 1.7, or else you will get a game-crashing error.

This mod is only available at:
- Dragon's Den Modding https://www.dragondenmodding.com
- King mods https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs22/mods/23073/dragons-den-production-extension

  • - Fixed Macaroni And Cheese name causing an error
    - Fixed name for Bees and Fish Feed in the shop
    - Fixed Maple Candy name in the DD Syrup House

  • Added Soybean Oil, Carp, Catfish, Pike, Fish Feed, Broccoli, Pineberry, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cheesecake, Blackberry Danish, Fish Sticks, French Toast, Cinnamon, Macaroni & Cheese, Chicken Alfredo, Maple Candy, Potato Wedges, Peanut Butter, and Salsa.
    Added sugar from maple sap
    Added Straw bale trigger to cow Barn.
    Added DD Fish Farm, DD saw Mill

  • 1. Fixed the wick not being produced in the other spinnery.
    2. Increase cycles per month in the Sugar Mill
    3. Moved and increased pallet spawn location for the oil Plant and Smokehouse.
    4. Update French translation by wati-filsdeflute.

  • Make a backup of your game save before updating the mod

    Note: please sell all watermelon, watermelon juice, watermelon Jam, and sausage before updating the mod to V1.6 or you will lose the product.

    1. Fix the spelling of watermelon, Watermelon Jam, and Watermelon Juice
    2. Added Smoked Cheese, Blackberry, Peach, Beef Rib, Pork Rib, Lamb Rib, Beef Smoked Rib, Compost, Pork Smoked Rib, Lamb Smoked Rib, Blackberry Juice, Peach Juice, Lamb Pot Pie, Pork Pot Pie, Blackberry Pie, Peach Pie, Blackberry Jam, Peach Jam, Animal Skin, Cocoa Powder, Wood Pellets, Beef Sausage, Chicken Sausage, Pork Sausage, Lamb Sausage, Beef Smoked Sausage, Chicken Smoked Sausage, Pork Smoked Sausage, Lamb Smoked Sausage, Belt, Hashbrown, Lasagna, Bees Wax, Candle, Wick, Sheep Cheese, Smoked Sheep Cheese, Goat Cheese, Smoked Goat Cheese,
    3. Added DD Compost Factory, DD SmokeHouse, DD Candle Factory, and DD Beehive
    4. Added Animal Trailer
    5. Rename Sausage to Pork Sausage

  • - Price, input-output, storage capacity, and cycles per month balancing
    - relocated pallet spawn location for Butcher and Winery
    - Added Chocolate Cannoli
