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Clothing Factory

  • Clothing Factory
  • Clothing Factory
  • Clothing Factory
  • Clothing Factory
  • Clothing Factory
7 430


No more need to have two factories to produce clothes.
This factory transforms cotton and wool directly into clothing without going through fabric manufacturing.

Incoming products:
- Cotton
- Wool

Outgoing products:
- Clothes

Price: $90,000

Cotton capacity: 100,000 liters
Wool capacity: 100,000 liters
Clothing capacity: 25,000 liters

Production recipe:
10 cottons = 3 clothes
4 yarns = 1 clothes

Production is accelerated.
Cycles / month: 2880
Production costs / month: $240
Cotton :
Cycles / month: 1152
Production costs / month: $240



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Clothing Factory
  • Clothing Factory
  • Clothing Factory
  • Clothing Factory
  • Clothing Factory
  • Clothing Factory