Iveco X-Way PEMP 19m (Enedis)

  • Iveco X-Way PEMP 19m (Enedis)
  • Iveco X-Way PEMP 19m (Enedis)
  • Iveco X-Way PEMP 19m (Enedis)
  • Iveco X-Way PEMP 19m (Enedis)
IEG Modding
285 subscribers
45 333

Hello everyone ! After the crane, here is the PEMP 19 m! A must-have for Enedis vehicles!

- Features :

HP: 280 hp
vmax: 87 km/h
tank: 400 L
Weight: 16t8

- Features

IC on Trunk, Beacon, Triflash, Ladder, Door, Skates, Wedges... etc...

Functional Pod (Press X to deploy Pod mode)

Several different configurations in the shop!

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Rules concerning the use of our creations:

🟢 - For personal use: You can do what you want with mods as long as it doesn't end up in eupload.

🟠 - In the context of use in a project: If you have a relevant project that may require the use of our mods, in these cases please contact [@IEG Modding] via Discord, for possible collaboration on your project .

⛔ - As part of a desire for public use: Any reupload of the original mod, or modified, converted for other versions of the game, or just reskin is strictly prohibited

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To get mods in advance and follow the development of our projects, join us on our discord:

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*This vehicle respects the new Enedis vehicle charter, it has also been validated by Enedis.

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Another big thank you to the Maxtix Nord Project for the 3D of the cabin!

If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate, so that I can improve my future mods ;)

Good game everyone !

  • - Minor modification of the 3D of the board (enlargement)

    - Correction of the daytime running lights, now comes on when the engine is started

    - Added the ability to remove cones (IC)

    - Added the possibility of having a ladder on the nacelle (Configuration Shop + IC)

  • - Flocking entirely revisited in order to correspond to the Charter Vehicles Enedis 2023
    (Best quality logo)

    -Change of logo on cones and safety vests

    - Addition of insurance and technical control stickers

    - Possibilities to leave the ferry with (E) and stay in the ferry in free movement

    - Logo in the Shop revisited
