Old winery

  • Old winery
  • Old winery
  • Old winery
282 subscribers
12 018

This is a factory that produces wine from red and white grapes (GRAPEB).

As bi-product you get some pig feed.

Also from grapes you can make raisins.

It needs Production Revamp. Barrels (Platinum DLC) and Emptypallets (made with one of my productions or bought in store) will boost your productivity.

Cost: 30,000
Maintenance: 100

Included a sellingpoint.

Will work without platinum DLC. Reccomended to use on a map that has whitegrapes too (Rogatki multifruit edit, Italia map etc.)

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  • - fixed the buyable pallets, thanks to [PolyCount]Taz; now have correct collision and weight, also is a fix for the empty pallets production (update soon, Revamped), because the game got confused and produced infinite pallets. Also price lowered to 1500 and when buying eight, will pay only 10500 instead of 12k. Updates coming to all the productions that have buyable pallets; will update the pack too, but later, because I am adding new things to it.
    - added barrel as fillType to avoid errors in log when playing without Platinum DLC;

    Sorry for missing links. A mistake I made in sharemods; I reuploaded them; kingmods was supposed to fail the updates if link missing; try to fix now, but will have to wait for Kingmods to publish them again. Sorry for inconvenience.

  • - fixed the buyable pallets, thanks to [PolyCount]Taz; now have correct collision and weight, also is a fix for the empty pallets production (update soon, Revamped), because the game got confused and produced infinite pallets. Also price lowered to 1500 and when buying eight, will pay only 10500 instead of 12k. Updates coming to all the productions that have buyable pallets; will update the pack too, but later, because I am adding new things to it.

  • - fixe typing error that made white wine pallets not able to spawn;
    - added russian and turkish translations;
    - fixed translations for all languages, regarding grape marc.

    Possibly soon (need permissions from a modder), will have a white grape production.

  • - added the fillType for white grapes, to avoid making white wine with only pallets; although, if your map doesn't have white grapes, that production can't be used.
    - the principal ingredients now can't be bought via Production menu, only boosters.
    - added grape marc instead of pig food; it will be used in home-made boiler for brandy from the Distillery mod (update coming soon).

  • - fixed missing vents (with the help from xXTennesieXx)

    The last update. Promise :)

  • - changed the spawning place in the front of the rolling doors (special thanks to DJMEK87);
    - fixed the missing spotlights.

  • - removed the sellingpoint, because I've made the new products to be able to sell in the same place as honey is selled on your map.

Required mods