Fendt Katana 850

  • Fendt Katana 850
  • Fendt Katana 850
  • Fendt Katana 850
  • Fendt Katana 850
  • Fendt Katana 850
  • Fendt Katana 850
2 154 subscribers
50 446

Price: 450,000 €
Power: 623 kW / 847 HP
Engine: Liebherr D976
Max. Speed: 40 KM/H
Weight: 17.5 Tonne
Capacity: Diesel - 1215 L / DEF - 190 L / Silage Additive - 215 L / Lubrication Grease - 10 Kg

NOTES: In version 1.0 the NIR sensor is for role playing purposes only, this may change in future
Internal engine lights are activated by opening the left side panel via IC "X"
Storage compartments at rear feature tools (non movable, non functional)
Internal fan sounds linked to current engine state and header activation

If you do not enable the Lubricating Grease mod, the following log warning will appear:
Warning: 'C:/Users/xxxxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Katana850/xml/katana850.xml' has invalid fillType 'GREASE'
This is normal and will not effect your game, in order for grease lubrication to work properly please install the mod from the link below

Lubricating Grease (recommended): https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=ie&mod_id=231367
Exhaust Extension (optional): https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=ie&mod_id=248134&title=fs2022
Passenger Seat (optional): https://www.farming-simulator.com/dlc-detail.php?lang=en&country=ie&dlc_id=fs22kubota
Guidance Steering (optional): https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=au&mod_id=228522
Interactive Control (recommended): https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?mod_id=259051&title=fs2022
DEF Pack (optional): https://gitlab.com/sperrgebiet/FS22_DefPack/-/raw/main/FS22_DefPack.zip?ref_type=heads

New features:
- Accurate vehicle specifications, increased visual accuracy of cabin and engine area
- Chrome pipe work, screws + bolts, hosing, decals, cables and many other elements 
- Extensive 3D modelling and Blender work performed, Giants decals improved
- Custom sound schemes for harvester engine, pipe, work mode, horn etc.
- Cabin radio + air conditioning features functional illuminated displays
- Custom fire extinguisher, custom beacon lights, custom schema icon
- Silage Additive tank animation, opening door + access panel, via IC
- Many new decals with accurate placement, modDesc raised to 74
- 2 opening compartments for battery storage and toolbox, via IC
- 5 opening panels to access engine area for maintenance, via IC
- Multiple Interactive Control features in cabin and exterior
- Polispec© NIR sensor for monitoring of chopped material
- Custom grease lubrication system, incl. fill animation
- Engine compartment features internal illumination
- Animated engine fan + Polispec NIR fan animation
- 16 animated pulleys + 3 animated belts for engine
- All IC functions feature custom sound schemes
- Passenger Seat support, requires Kubota DLC
- Several new shop options, incl. color options
- XML adjustments, mirror quality Improved
- 2 opening storage compartments via IC
- 3 front safety warning signs
- Special limited edition paint

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  • - Added custom Fendt Katana minimap position icon for Dashboard Live
    - Fixed visibility of Dashboard Live position icon on startup
    - Added metallic plate for secondary connection hose point
    - Revised certain shop options, removed certain files
    - Fixed i3d element position on HT 700 trailer
    - Updated modDesc to 80, updated translations
    - Removed flashers from Fendt 1050 option
    - Added EU/US warning sign shop options
    - Added animated front PTO i3d element
    - Added new twin tire options

  • - Additional Blender work on engine pulleys to increase visual accuracy
    - Added large cooling radiator to engine with spinning blade animation
    - Added transparent mesh cone door panel with IC animation + sounds
    - Fixed various physics + movement issues on wheels/crawlers in XML
    - Added many new 3D elements to model to improve visual accuracy
    - Added rear beaconlight visibility in 850 or 1050 shop options
    - Added in-cab storage compartment, with IC animation + sounds
    - Added several new IC commands for external header control
    - Added additional connection hose types to rear attachers
    - Separate ball + hitch connector types added to rear
    - Added support for Tool Height Control (see NOTES)
    - Various fixes, adjustments and i3d optimisations
    - Added new IC command to manually activate beeper
    - Added functional in-cab radio with illumination
    - Added compressed air nozzle to Katana engine
    - added new external maintenance light via IC
    - Added new IC armrest animation incl. sounds
    - Updated modDesc to 79, updated translations
    - Added thermos to cabin via IC, incl. sounds
    - Added new GPS receiver options (see NOTES)
    - Added new shop option for rear worklights
    - Added QR code, scan this with your phone
    - Added rear weight with reflector options
    - Revised design of certain shop options
    - Updated HT 700 strobe flash sequence
    - Added animated belt drive to engine
    - Removed tablet from passenger seat
    - Removed Exhaust Extension support
    - Added Tire Pressure functionality
    - Revised custom paint job options
    - Added support for Vehicle Years

  • - Added dedicated Dashboard Live screen to in-cab monitor, see NOTES for more information
    - Added camera elements to Katana 850 i3d in order to enhance the Camera View system
    - Katana 850 i3d file optimization, new engine i3d elements, rear axle decals fixed
    - Camera View system has 3 dedicated camera angles to select: front / pipe / rear
    - Added selectable in-cab monitor screens via IC, see NOTES for more information
    - Added side decal shop options to Katana 850, minor decals and XML changes
    - Added dedicated IC button to activate internal engine light from in-cab
    - Spartan 700, 200FB and P3003 now have a required horsepower XML entry
    - Added beacon light to Lizard HT 700, added IC control to move support
    - Updated DEF download link as modhhub version has LUA errors
    - Added new brand decal to P3003, new color option added
    - Added cabin air conditioning via IC, incl. IC sound
    - Adjustments to Lizard HT 700 lights and reflectors
    - New special edition paint jobs for the Katana 850
    - Added new wheels + shop options to Lizard HT 700
    - Added dual front wheels + crawler track options
    - Overhaul of modDesc text, links and IC commands
    - Added Capello Spartan 700 side cutter knives
    - Added reverse beep shop option to Katana 850
    - Added Sunvisor to Katana 850 cabin via IC
    - Shop option added for Camera View system
    - Added several new DisplayBrand images
    - New Kemper 400F shop + color options
    - Added custom IC sounds

  • Added:

    Kemper 400 F
    Price: 4,500 €
    Weight: 320 Kg

    HT 700
    Price: 1,500 €
    Weight: 1.6 Tonne

    - Added new 3D elements to HT 700, incl. move support, decals, lights, licence plate etc.
    - Added animations and full axis control to external mirrors via IC, incl. sounds
    - Added new 3D elements, decals and multiple shop options to the Kemper 400 F
    - Updated credits, text formatting, minor changes, price adjustments, XML etc.
    - Updated emissive cabin lights, added new emissive lights to buddy seat
    - Added HT 700 header trailer for easy transport of the Spartan 700
    - Added new 3D elements and decals to Kemper 490 Plus
    - Added new object changes to Katana 1050 configuration
    - Added IC functionality to wipers, 4-way wiper control
    - Added tablet on buddy seat, minor cabin adjustments
    - Mod updated to be Giants testrunner 8.13 compliant
    - Added new 3D elements to Katana 850 engine
    - Fix invalid color code, updated modDesc to 77
    - Added Kemper 400 F Comfort Support Wheel
    - Added Kemper 490 StalkBuster support
    - Added Forage Straw pickup support
    - Added Camera System support
    - New store and mod icons

    Interactive Control:
    - Steering wheelbase (enter animation + IC)
    - Fold/Unfold header (interior + exterior)
    - Lower/Lift header (interior + exterior)
    - Mirrors Fold/Unfold
    - Interior cabin light
    - Fold/Unfold pipe
    - Emergency Stop
    - Toolbox panels
    - Worklight back
    - Highbeam light
    - Left cabin door
    - Cruise control
    - Hazard light
    - Turnlights
    - All panels
    - Pipe light
    - Ignition
    - Beacons
    - Wipers
    - Radio
    - GPS

  • - Spartan 700 features opening panels via IC, new animated elements incl. PTO, gear wheel and chain + connection hoses
    - Kemper 490 Plus features custom PTO connection and extensive new decals added, new sound scheme added
    - Fendt P3003 features opening panel via IC, new animated elements incl. cogs, gear wheels and chains
    - Extensive 3D modeling performed on the Spartan 700, many new elements for visual accuracy
    - Added Fendt 200FB, Capello Spartan 700, Fendt P3003 and Kemper 490 Plus headers
    - Fendt 200FB features a custom PTO attachment and new connection hose
    - Beacon lights changed to base game assets based on feedback
    - Exclusive PTO attachment created for each custom header
    - Added new IC buttons to turn on more in cabin functions
    - Fix missing object change on front safety shop option
    - Updated modDesc to 75, minor fixes and changes
    - Steering wheel base animation sounds changed
    - Further improvement to decals image quality
    - Removed unnecessary text from modDesc
    - Added Pipe Control for forage harvesters
    - Added Katana 1050 motor configuration
    - Added custom Interactive Control icons
    - Added new language translations
    - Fix GPS functionality in XML
    - Added new color options
    - Fix seat decal
