Cow Barns Pack

  • Cow Barns Pack
  • Cow Barns Pack
  • Cow Barns Pack
  • Cow Barns Pack
  • Cow Barns Pack
  • Cow Barns Pack
VX mapping
129 subscribers
27 258

Pack of two stables in stone, sheet metal and wood.

The barns support the Manure System mod.

Traditional stable (with or without pasture):
- 200 cows
- Two Lely Astronaut robots
- Price: $250,000 ($245,000 no pasture)
- Maintenance: $110 /day
- Dimensions: 58 x 30 x 11 meters (+ storage shed 27 x 16 x 11 meters)
- Capacities (in liters): Milk 120,000 / Straw 42,000 / Slurry 180,000 / Manure 100,000
- Integrated manure
- Bale storage : 100

Stable with Lely Vector (with or without pasture):
- 200 cows
- Two Lely Astronaut robots
- Price: $310,000 ($305,000 no pasture)
- Maintenance: $180 /day
- Dimensions: 58 x 30 x 11 meters (+ robot shed 27 x 24 x 11 meters)
- Capacities (in liters): Milk 120,000 / Straw 42,000 / Slurry 180,000 / Manure 100,000
- Capacities for the Lely Vector (in liters): Silage 460,000 / Straw 200,000 / Hay 200,000 / Mineral supplements 100,000
- Integrated manure
- Bale storage : 100

  • - Bales storage fix.
    - Manure system fix.

  • - Modification of StoreIcon.
    - Addition of manure for robot stable.
    - Addition of no pasture version.
    - Shift in the position of cows at the fence.
    - Support for the Manure System.
    - Replacement of Lely brushes with those from AgrarDesignAustria.
    - Added ball storage.
    - Change capacity of mineral supplements.
