Base Vehicule Edit

  • Base Vehicule Edit
  • Base Vehicule Edit
  • Base Vehicule Edit
  • Base Vehicule Edit
  • Base Vehicule Edit
  • Base Vehicule Edit
EFWS Gamer
91 subscribers
19 779

Some of the basic vehicles and tools have been Modified to add detail and improve the Gameplay, particularly at night.

The characteristics:
-Added Agricultural Convoy Plate
-Added Flash and Rotating Beacon
-Added lights
-360° lighting on vehicles
-Added Warning Signs from Gamingflo

Modified Currently:
-NH Series
-JD 9000 Series
-All base masses
-All cutter bar carts
-All basic chargers
-Modification of the Kverneland optima RS 9m seeder so that it is the same crops as the other basic planters. This allows the planter to be able to sow crops that are added to certain cards.

To be modified soon:
-All harvesters in the base game

If you have any suggestions for improving this mod, don't hesitate to send them to me in the comments.
Have a good game everyone 🙂

  • -Added gyro to the Kverneland RS 9m seeder
    -Correction of lights which do not illuminate in high

  • Added all basic Front Loaders
    Added beet and potato harvesters (the "Multi-fruit harvester pack" mod is mandatory to have the script)
    Addition of CASE IH and NH CR10 threshers
    Modification of the Kverneland optima RS 9m seeder so that it is the same crops as the other basic planters. This allows the planter to be able to sow crops that are added to certain cards.
