Central Kansas 22

  • Central Kansas 22
  • Central Kansas 22
  • Central Kansas 22
  • Central Kansas 22
  • Central Kansas 22
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Central Kansas, one of Farming Simulator 2013's most popular maps originally created by Omar, has been brought to Farming Simulator 22 with a new "new" look.
You start with good equipment and two small fields. There is no forest on this map, but the majority of FS 22's factories have been placed in the newly created industrial park.
New for FS 22 version: new field added in northwest corner; all agricultural buildings can be sold; all animal enclosures can be sold; new storage sheds for root vegetables/feed moved to old goods yard and greenhouses; addition of a fertilizer sales point; addition of greenhouses for grapes/olives and supply points on the hill next to the mill; fusion of certain lower fields; added more plant species thanks to Aaron Thom; addition of livestock sales barn; added bees to the main farm and added FS 22 decoration;

  • BK Nation Modding
  • Omar