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Zetor XX40 UR1 Series (IC)

  • Zetor XX40 UR1 Series (IC)
  • Zetor XX40 UR1 Series (IC)
5 896


* Basic Price: 20000 €
* Power: 59 - 78 hp
* Max Speed: 32 km/h

New specifications:
* Removed SimpleIC
* Added Interactive Control
* Added Passenger mod
* Added strobes light config
* Added air trumpets config
* New dynamic exhaust smoke
* New windows textures
* New deails in model
* Fixed several bugs

Interactive Control:
- Left/Right Doors
- Left/Right windows
- Rear window
- Roof

- Engine power (Zetor 4340, Zetor 5340, Zetor 6340, Zetor 7340)
- Front weight/hydraulic
- Bonnet (old/new)
- Wheel/Tires
- Rear fenders
- Front fenders
- FL console (Tur 12B)
- Cabin color
- Beacon light
- Exhale
- Color body
- Exhaust
- Stickers roof
- Upholstery color

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  • * Fixed lights and work lights
    * Added MP-Lift FL console config
    * Fixed modDesc


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Zetor XX40 UR1 Series (IC)
  • Zetor XX40 UR1 Series (IC)
  • Zetor XX40 UR1 Series (IC)