Welcome to Bohemia Country 22. It is a converted map from FS19(made by Medas MGS).
!!PLEASE !! if you are playing this map on servers , please write these lines to your placeables.xml in your save:
Known issues : The warning Signs are on servers causing problems , you can delete tham from your placeables.xml in your save
Map has dimensions 4096 x 4096 px , !!! ONLY FOR PC !!!
She offers:
-One main farm
-Extra pigs , sheep , cow , chickens
-Biogas plant
-73 farmlands , 64 fields, including 12 meadows , field sizes from 1.95 ha to 56.2 ha
-5 Forest for purchase
-standard production factorie's from game
-sell points
-Animated gates
-in the New Farmer mode, farm land, pigs, sheep, biogasplant , on-farm : silo, hayloft, silage pits, fodder compound production plant, etc.
-3 Village
-Vehicle Traffic
Thanks goes to Medas MGS , who gave me permission to publish this map and to FarmerBob for his youtube turorials.
Have a lot of fun
Added more lime stations
Changed one steel shed on the farm
Some lamps on the farm can be sold
Small cosmetic additions
2 more mods from modhub will be necesery FS22_Lamp , FS22_WarningSigns
The warning signs can be moved by hand
added PDA pic
Removed a Marker Map End over one field , lowered prices per ha. New save not needed