FAZENDA MADUREIRO SPECIAL EDITION ROWCROP, Map based on the region of Tapiraí Minas Gerais
Contains cultural varieties, extras in detail, accurately simulating the region for a real gaming experience
- The map has 3 prepared locations, one main and 2 medium locations, one of them starting with the player with a field.
- The map, in addition to the original plantations, has extra plantations such as: black beans, brachiaria, millet, rye, sorghum and rice.
- Has 1 grain sale, Interfloat cooperative.
- Contains a sugar cane factory.
- Sale of bales, wool, cotton, milk, eggs and silage at the fair.
- A timber company for the sale of logs
- Bga can be created based on the player's taste.
- You can fill water tanks at the water tank in one of 3 locations.
- The headquarters has a machine repair workshop.