ZIL 130 / MMZ-554

  • ZIL 130 / MMZ-554
  • ZIL 130 / MMZ-554
  • ZIL 130 / MMZ-554
  • ZIL 130 / MMZ-554
  • ZIL 130 / MMZ-554
  • ZIL 130 / MMZ-554
27 subscribers

Authors: SD Team, Vyciokazz, Toch, FS_Modding_Team, Bodik55, Oleg28UKR, Ryba4ok, Excellent

➖ -worked model
➖ Clean log, corrected flaws
Grud, wear
➖anized antenna
➖5 Body variants, all body is placed awning (except for a body with stripes under silage), onboard body (sides open, loads with straps are fixed), body dump truck MMZ-554 without sewing and with stripes (3 foreign unloading). MMZ-554 with a functioning tingle of seeders similarly as the previous--with stripes and without
➖3 of the engine variant, under each variant of the noise, the ZIL-130 engine, the ZIL-130 engine is methane (when the engine is selected automatically the cylinders are added, it is necessary to refuel on methane dressing), the MMZ D-240 engine (when choosing the engine is automatically added air filter)
➖3 variants of rubber: rhombus, goose paw, Lazovskaya, when choosing a variant of rubber-resin variants change on the stock, 2 variants
➖ Olbitswowers old and new, with hatches and without
➖3 Types of coil: Vasovsky, Lazovsky and Chinese placas
➖ Selection of repetitions of turns
➖5 variants of stickers on the windshield and fringe
➖The luggage's selection on the roof
➖2 Mirrors, Factory Zylovsky and Arcs with Mirrors of Kamaz Euro
➖2 variant of bumper, factory and double
➖ Selection of stickers in the panel: Ukraine and Eagle
➖ The engine starting with an interactive, gasoline and methane version can additionally start the engine by a cord
➖ Choosing the color of the inscription zil on the hood
➖Croded license plates
➖ Selection of Cabin Colors, Accounting, Body, Disks and A Tent
➖ Translated into Ukrainian
