Mod available in February
Hâte d'essayer ce mod !!!
Sera t-il disponible bientôt et dans combien de temps à peu-près ?
hey! i gived u a request on discord, and can i ask you when it will be able to download? i really want to play with this mod :D it looks very good... i have a question, can you make like better shield? like in camox f175 tier 3?
-3 Colors to choose from, 8 sticker configurations
-Realistic engine configuration QSB 6 cylinders, Tier 4, 6.7 liters
Power :
220 hp at 2200 rpm
-Reverse position
-Power shift gearbox 5 forward speeds, 3 reverse speeds
-Capacity of fuel tanks: 200 liters
-Double winch: capacity 2 x 220m, power 2 x 22 tonnes
It remains to do:
-Klemmbank & Grapple
-Amimation of screens in the cabin
-Central oscillation
-Cutter grapple