Krajeńskie Pola V2

112 subscribers
Estimated release on 09/2024
7 347

This Work-In-Progress has been archived. This may be due to a long period of inactivity or due to the author's decision. We cannot know if it will be updated again later or not.

Krajeńskie Pola 4X

At this stage, the map is 99% complete, only minor bug fixes found in tests remain. It will be uploaded to ModHub within a week.

Map description:

A map based on three real towns in Central Europe, which were adapted for the needs of the game.

The map includes:
- Quadruple size
- 5 Farms (Small / Medium / Large)
- 1 agricultural base
- 191 fields and 28 meadows (from 0.18ha to 52.38ha)
- 5 new crops
- 4 Sales points
- 12 federal states with passive income
- 1 Large and 1 Small Forest
- 20 collectibles
- Multiterrain
- Varied terrain
- Custom traffic
- New custom textures: Crops, Grass, Ground, Trees
- Custom ambient sounds
- Stubble compaction (When the crop destruction option is turned on)
- License plates appropriate for the map region
- Adaptation for DLC Premium and DLC Platinum
- Customized precision farming values
- Volunteer Fire Department
- Mill
- Liming stations
- 2 gas stations
- 2 straw purchases
- Grocery store
- Oil mills
- Sawmill
- 2 grain collection centers
- Root purchasing
- Animal dealer
- Purchase of stones and boards
- Wholesale
- Spinning mills
- Damn
- Dairies
- Biogas plants
- BigBag Store
- Vehicle workshop


when will the map be finished


I've been following the progress of your map and I'm eager for V2. When will it be released?


Kiedy się pojawi?

Krajeńskie Pola V2

Krajeńskie Pola V2 is a refreshed version in which nothing will change, but a lot will change. You will be able to visit the areas from v2 in a different version.

The following things will change in v2:

- 10 new fields
- Adaptation for ModHub
- Adding Hotspots in the states with passive income
- Added full translation into English and German
- Increasing the number of trees on the map
- Improved map filling
- Reconstruction of farm no. 1
- Reconstruction and improvement of roads
- Fixed all bugs from v1
- Improvement to some static yards
- 5 new crops adapted for MaizePlus
- Adaptation for Premium Expansion
- Reconstruction and improvement of some map functions
- No support for MF+RCR / RCR / MF versions
- More undulating terrain
- New refined textures for crops/roads/ground

And much more, but you will learn about this later. The map will be ready at the turn of June/July, but I don't know when it will be available on Modhub.

(Photos show unfinished areas, some items may be missing)

Krajeńskie Pola V2
Krajeńskie Pola V2
Krajeńskie Pola V2
Krajeńskie Pola V2

nie moge się doczekać tej mapy!!!! dobra robota oby tak dalej🔥🔥


Linie też na nowo by się przydało zrobić


maybe there will be static farms for cows, pigs and sheep? (I have problems with construction in the game) and will there be support for the Russian language? the card is very good! I was looking for a map for myself for a very long time and I’m glad that I found yours! Thank you! I'm really looking forward to the update!