Grain Silo

35 subscribers
Estimated release on 07/2024
1 701

This Work-In-Progress has been archived. This may be due to a long period of inactivity or due to the author's decision. We cannot know if it will be updated again later or not.

Old Grain elevator silo

Old Style Grain elevator silo like we found out west in Canada and USA.

Was a prefab building from fs19 converted to a placeable Silo mods for fs22 with different rendering and a lot of new texturing.

Added recently !!! (will be compatible for filling and using placeable train and track from JWeezy) (For being able to do that, it have no collision under the filling trigger and between the legs of the building, it leave the possibility to place a road or a train track)

Also i have resize everything for scaling up the building a bit for being more realistic and also for being able to put a train track under without issue.

Texturing: 100%
Conversion FS19 -> FS22: 95%
Add old style writing and Saskatchewan flag: 100%
Modify the collision (train track): 100%
Giant Editor: 95%
XML: 90%
In Game: 90%

Grain Silo
Grain Silo
Grain Silo
Grain Silo
Grain Silo

Old Style Grain silo like we found out west in Canada and USA.

Was a prefab building from fs19 converted to a placeable Silo mods for fs22 with different rendering and some new texturing.

Also i have resize everything for scaling up the building to some more realistic measurement.

Texturing: 100%
Conversion FS19 -> FS22: 90%
Add old style writing and Saskatchewan flag: 100%
Giant Editor: 90%
XML: 80%
In Game: 75%

Fs19 by Toch, Convert to Fs22 by WittyMods

Grain Silo
Grain Silo
Grain Silo

Looks great


looks great 👍️