Rogatki Multifruit & Production Edit

288 subscribers
Estimated release on 03/2023
10 729

This Work-In-Progress is completed and the mod can be downloaded!

Remove productions?

I currently have nothing new to the map itself, but if I will update it with new crop/features, I would like to remove the new placeables, to make the map lighter. The already placed ones will remain, only slightly modified in the xml as you know. The animal barns will stay also, only the new productionss. I have several motives I want to do that:
1. Will make the pack/map lighter and faster than it's currently.
2. I have migrated all my productions to Revamp, so adding the new recipes to the map's productions will be hell of a job and I kinda want to avoid that;
3. The productions I released with Revamp recipes will be packed toghether when finished and will be a dependency to the map;
4. Also I will probably move to Court Farms before even doing an update for Rogatki, so all the things I just mention might not happen (also because I have nothing new to add to the map; only the Production Pack will come)

This things said, on old saves, the update will remove all tthe placed productions, so either you will place them again (using Easy Dev mod to get back your money lost), either will use the old version that will be available for download; the new version without productions if will be released, will be separate.

So the question for the poll is: do you agree with my plan or it will upset you?


Haven't succeded adding new bales to the Goweil DLC using the LSFM add-on mod, so I am sorry for getting you excited for nothing.

56 votes

Suggestion: I don't know if there is permission if there is any permission for the implementation of interactive factories, such as the LSF factories, I miss that manual interaction of creating a product like cheese, not just a menu in which the pallet appears Magically.

Goweil DLC extra bales

Hof Bergmann has a mod that adds the possibility to make more film wrapped bales with the stationary baler from Goweil DLC, like manure bales, woodchips, compost, clover, etc.

Do you want to add more bales like this (of course not manure, compost, but realistic bales like clover, alfalfa, lavender, flax fiber, hemp fiber, etc.).

If yes, will have to have the mod addon and the DLC (for those without the DLC, it only will display probably missing bale types in log, nothing game breaking.)

66 votes

hey there jinkou89 , I was hoping if u manage to make a general multifruit pack like the "Farmer bob multifruit pack" so that it can be used on any map. it will be a lot helpful


Sorry I didn't manage to add the Goweil Bales to Rogatki; maybe the add-on script is made only for HOF Bergmann...

If you manage to add them to Rogatki (at least the ones from HOF), please contact me; your work will be credited and the rest of the bales I will try to add (I saw that in the add-on you can add more fillTypes, but that's not the problem; I couldn't make it work even with the fillTypes already there, even though I've added the lines in map.bales, added the bales with correct addresses...)