This Work-In-Progress has been archived. This may be due to a long period of inactivity or due to the author's decision. We cannot know if it will be updated again later or not.
What is done:
Almost all textures have been rebaked with new ones
- Added exhaust system configurations, as well as air filters
- Added headlights on outside of the cab
- Work on bulldozer equipment has been completed
- All decals and dash decals have been redrawn
- Added painting (radiator grille, cab roof, engine, exhaust system, track rollers, bulldozer attachments)
- Added equipment configuration (hitch, trailer hitch, bulldozer attachment)
- Work has begun on other cab variations (large cab version)
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And here we are back with a bulldozer equipment for T4. We also updated or changed many other aspects of the model, such as air filter configurations or new engine textures and many more.
The rest of the screenshots will be in the comments!