This Work-In-Progress has been archived. This may be due to a long period of inactivity or due to the author's decision. We cannot know if it will be updated again later or not.
the maps are moving forward despite the absence of posts since April
models were created tailor-made for the map such as bridges, rails, and a lot of details
the maps "a corner of Haute Saône" prepares for the new features of farming simulator 25!!!!
several channels are provided on the card as below
don't forget to come to the discord if you want to know more and have more photos
j'ai oublier de redimensionner les 2 dernière image🤦, mais vous pouvez les retrouvez sur mon serveur discord 😀
a path prototype has been created, this will be used for the white paths
a station which does not appear in reality and is currently being built in order to accommodate a point of sale for trains
the paths are being traced via splines
small problem I calculated 393 fields and only the fields which can be cultivated which is a problem since farming only manages 155 fields
to follow the progress of the maps in these details, go to my discord >
salut je te suis depuis le debut de ton projet et je vois que tu avance vachement bien, tu es tout seul à mapper ?👏👏👏😀
Hey, pour info, tu peux créer autant de champs que tu veux sur une map. Par contre le nombre de farmland est limité à 255.
(j'avais une map privée au début de fs22 avec 380 champs ^^)