This Work-In-Progress has been archived. This may be due to a long period of inactivity or due to the author's decision. We cannot know if it will be updated again later or not.
Slowly but surely ...
The mapping resumes
C'est dommage que cette map n'est jamais sortie elle aurait était vraiment génial
Courage au dev quand même ;)
Hello, I am happy to share with you the beginning of my creation of my map which is inspired by Ménétréols-sous-Vatan a small French village,
The map is already well advanced with the village finished, the coop and the farms are also finished, there are only a few fields left in this creation, you will find:
-2 cereal coop
-2 potato coop
-A silo to buy fertilizer
-2 grain farms
-1 cow farm
-About 20 fields already finished
In short, something to have fun if you have ideas for the map, please tell me in the comments :)