La Française

343 subscribers
22 336

This Work-In-Progress is completed and the mod can be downloaded!

La Française V2.1

After our buildings were released on the Modhub for PC and Console here is the update of the La Française map available this evening at 8 p.m. on the GAEC VILLENEUVE discord:

-replace old dead trees with real trees from the game
- town entrance signs fields 1 moved
-Petit Pea harvest day added
- correct sign between cities (inverse between exit and enter)
- added some colliding village buildings
- Add in required mods like a multi-fruit beet harvester and 1 multi-fruit seeder for carrots.
-silage silo correction verification no bug detected
- correction sawmill verification no bug detected
-Curable manure stabling on the 2 farms
-Added gas station next to the cooperative and the Cereal farm.

Good game to all. Thank you for supporting us! The Buildings update is coming this week!

La Française

est ce que le cessionnaire NH pourrait être sur le modhub console ?


👍merci à toi, arrivant sur PC, j adore


Sera t’elle dispo sur console

Are you ready to get your Christmas present?

Are you ready to get your Christmas present? Only a few hours left, huh?

Last big version which will be released otherwise some updates to correct the bugs:

-no enlargement of the map (to get it out for Christmas)
-no new farm added

-However Added 7 new Cultures
-Added pedestrian traffic in the village
-Collision of removed fences
-Fixed chicken bug

And other surprises, for those who wonder why the map is not going to be enlarged, a next map is in French preparation with medium fields, we do not want to enlarge it and left it like that to keep the charm of the map .

There will just be updates to fix bugs or other things that's all.

In any case, thank you very much to everyone who plays it and be on the lookout for future mods. I just say ModHub Hangars.

La Française

slt a toi est ce que je peux présenter la maps sur tiktok ou pas si tu peux me l'envoyer


hate de voir le resultat final deja jaime bien jolie travail et bonne fete


re pour la map on laura courent fin du moi ou non l'amis