Clio RS 2013

RD Modding
94 subscribers
1 619

This Work-In-Progress has been archived. This may be due to a long period of inactivity or due to the author's decision. We cannot know if it will be updated again later or not.

3D model almost finish

Heyy RD Modding is back with this beatiful French Hatchback!

Currently I am almost done 3d model,( In final version some parts and colors chance )
I haven't started coding yet :(

I planning to do this mod project almost near perfect.
I don't have this car in real so i need some help in developing stage.

If you want to help me develop this project
For example:
Clio's real color options Names, engine sound, (idk,any thing to improve this project)

You can reach me this email "[email protected]"
or sending me message here

By the way, My french is bad 😅 can you please write me english

If you would like to support me in this project you can buy me coffee ☕
And also i share same devlogs in Buy Me a Coffee

Don't forget to follow me for updates, see you in the next devlog👋

Clio RS 2013
Clio RS 2013

will she be on conoles?


Will there be animations at the doors ?


Jolie mod j’espère quel seras sur fs19 ?