French Temporary Signs

  • French Temporary Signs
  • French Temporary Signs
  • French Temporary Signs
  • French Temporary Signs
  • French Temporary Signs
  • French Temporary Signs
619 subscribers
7 133

Hello everyone! 🙃
I hope you are all doing well!
I am publishing this beta of French Temporary Signs to you, as indicated it is a beta!!
You may therefore encounter bugs. The final version will be on the modhub console.
If you wish, you can join my discord server with the link right here:

- Added a temporary construction cone
- Added the sign indicating a closed road at 200M
- Added the triangular sign indicating bumps
- Added the sign indicating a limit of 30
- Added the sign indicating a limit of 50
- Addition of the forbidden sign
- Added mowing panel
- Added the sign indicating a ban on overtaking
- Added the sign indicating the end of a limitation / obligation
- Addition of the deviation sign (left and right)
- Added a construction site barrier
- Added bags to floor panels
- Redesigned ALL their textures

Here is the last version before the final:

- Added a temporary construction cone
- Added the sign indicating a closed road at 200M
- Added the triangular sign indicating bumps
- Added the sign indicating a limit of 30
- Added the sign indicating a limit of 50
- Addition of the prohibited sign
- Added mowing panel
- Added the sign indicating a ban on overtaking
- Added the sign indicating the end of a limitation / obligation
- Addition of the deviation sign (left and right)
- Added a construction site barrier
- Added bags to floor panels
- Redesigned ALL their textures

I wish you a pleasant game!!

  • - Added a temporary construction cone
    - Added the sign indicating a closed road at 200M
    - Added the triangular sign indicating bumps
    - Added the sign indicating a limit of 30
    - Added the sign indicating a limit of 50
    - Addition of the prohibited sign
    - Added mowing panel
    - Added the sign indicating a ban on overtaking
    - Added the sign indicating the end of a limitation / obligation
    - Addition of the deviation sign (left and right)
    - Added a construction site barrier
    - Added bags to floor panels
    - Redesigned ALL their textures
    - Redesigns of ALL icons

    Console transition planned! 🫡
