Here is a fairly simple American style flatland map (4X)
Updated to fix height issues with the bakery and candy store. Added a pet store, sawmill and carpentry workshop.
200 fields of different sizesIdeal for field farmers
No pet trade or carpentry/sawmill yetThere are sales points and production points to get you started
Missing textures remedied!
Change protocol V4.4
Mission vehicles repaired
Fixed error in movement path effects
Added grain dryers (thanks to Superfly1842 and Highline Productions (modeling FS22) for dry corn, dry barley and dry
Sales for seed/lime and fertilizer added
Sales for liquids (including propane) added
MKS32 and MKS8 added to enable the transport of propan
Rail crossing ramps replaced (thanks to Snakebizzle from FS22)
Change protocol V4.3
Added spirits and distillery (thanks to zoddel gambled for the FS22-original)
Rye, hops and millet plants added
I recommend emptying the Shader cache after installation, otherwise the game can crash (it happened to me)
I strongly recommend creating a new memory game due to the placeable objects
Added spirits and distillery (thanks to Zoddelgtigt for the FS22-origin)
Rye, hop and millet plants added
Crash when you try to load the recorded game, corrected
Fixed on the animal dealer
I suggest that you empty the Shader cache after installation, otherwise your game can plant (at least it happened to me)
I highly recommend creating a new recorded game!
New products added
Added grain sales agency (for rye, millet and hops)
Brewery added with a number of warehouse beers
I suggest that you empty the Shader cache after installation, otherwise your game can crash (it worked for me)
Since the Lime Info Plain was wrong, you have to save a new game so that it becomes effective, or you can start a new game, save it, take the newly generated lime information level and copy you via the game stored in your current stored (what worked for me too)
Here is a fairly simple flat map in American style (4x).
DPU fixed: frame buffer scaling error
Field 132 fixed
New productions added
Added a few additional streets
Here is a fairly simple flat map in American style (4x).
I have completely revised the card, most of the production and sales points are standard, so errors should be reduced.
There are only standard cultures and a new farm area as well as another empty on which you can build your own.
There are plenty of more trees and a newly mapped railway line.
You cannot update earlier versions, this requires a new saved game.
AI traffic on all roads
Added railroad crossing lights
Workers now appear to be able to reach their destination (must be connected to the AI road system)
The train runs at standard speed again to make level crossings more realistic
I would suggest a new save game so you don't lose anything
Meadow is back
Added some more products
Image warnings should be gone
Some buildings replaced
Fields generally tidy
I would suggest a new save game so you don't lose anything
Added workshop
Fixed rye and mustard cultivation
Fixed road collisions
Fixed bushes not being available to paint
Mission vehicles are back
New products (bread/flour) added (textures courtesy of SGA from FS22)
Added rye, millet, mustard and hops (hops uses corn pickers, the other 3 use grain pickers)
Added background to make it look less boring from a distance
I checked the road collisions and they are there, so not sure why some vehicles are seen sinking (I haven't seen it), will take a closer look
The file size has increased due to additional textures needed.
I had to make some minor changes to the fields, so you may need a new saved game
200 fields of different sizes.
Mission vehicles should be back
Location icons for pet dealers and vehicle repair shops back on the map
Bakery expanded
No new save required
200 fields of different sizes.
Fixed grain mill points
Added flow (means a new saved game if you want to use it as the fields have changed)
Brewery added
Added additional products (I tested a lot so all should work, sugar mill, bakery and brewery)
Paintable grass is pretty tricky, so I made all the remaining land into mowable meadows, which also go through different growth stages and therefore continually regrow.
200 fields of different sizes.
All meadows replaced with grass
Added more fences and a lime station
Adjusted some of the “bareer” areas, now with grass
Added cement factory
Dairy replaced
Fixed my terribly made BGA!
Added forest roots and asphalt dirt textures
US Flatland Map 4x v2
Repaired grain and oilseed sales points.
Added train and 2 granaries (one is the EU storage as I'm not a modeler)
Train accelerated slightly due to card size
License plates replaced with US style
Added additional ponds
Sawmill repaired (placement and floating objects)
Roads replaced with US roads
Removed random fire hydrant on the street