Universal Autoload

  • Universal Autoload
  • Universal Autoload
  • Universal Autoload
  • Universal Autoload
  • Universal Autoload
  • Universal Autoload
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DEVELOPMENT RELEASE - Please test and leave any bug reports or feedback.


There seems to be a lot of confusion around how the settings are saved and loaded:

If you already have a vehicle on a savegame before adding UAL, then you ned to purchase another copy of the same vehicle to create the setting, and then restart the save game you want to use. You can buy it in any savegame, just the act of buying it will create a global default for that vehicle.
At the moment the configuration file is updated/saved (in mod settings) when you BUY a vehicle or when you apply changes to a vehicle in the workshop (e.g. just change the number plate). This is a temprary workaround until I add a proper button to "apply" the new settings.
In multiplayer games all clients can edit vehicles when they buy one, but the configuration is saved ON THE SERVER only. So the server default will be set by the last player to adjust it. Invividual vehicle settings should persist for the rest of that game until the server is restarted, after that the default is applied to all. I need to design a better system with permissions and a proper GUI menu.

If you are having issues with a vehicle not loading pallets at all then there are a few things to check

If you do not see a loading zone with the debug display (shift-ctrl-F12) then the most likely thing is that the entry for that vehicle is corrupted in your mod settings file. Try deleting the file completely, or look for the vehicle you are having trouble with and delete the entry for that one.
There is an issue saving configurations when the game installation path has wide chars in the path (unicode/non-ascii) e.g. Russian or chinese characters. When this happens, you will get the issue of loading volume not showing up at all. I don't fuly understnad the cause, but I will work out a solution.
It is also possible you simply don't have the trailer selected/active in game. Press "G" to cycle the selected implement from your tractor/truck.


Single player is working as it should for BALES, PALLETS, BIG-BAGS and LOGS
Multiplayer loads without crashing so far BUT I have only done basic testing. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
Any new vehicles will get autoload after purchasing in the shop (see below)
Any valid vehicles in a savegame will load settings if available


All pallets, big-bags and bales supported by default
Automatic detection of trailer loading zones (in shop)
UI to adjust size of loading zone in shop before purchase
No external configuration files required!!


Use middle mouse click in the shop to activate editing
Right click drag to move individual faces
ALT-right click drag to move opposing faces (use this for width)
SHIFT-right click drag to move the whole zone
CTRL with any of the above for fine control
SHIFT-CTRL middle mouse click to auto-calculate the zone from scratch (if you mess up)
Configuration can be edited in mod settings XML (if you know what you are doing)


Menu for global settings (in shop)
Set vehicle options in the shop before purchase
Multiplayer synchronisation of ALL settings
Show debugging display in multiplayer


Existing trailers on a savegame will not get autoload added (until restart with valid settings)
New trailers bought in MULTIPLAYER require a server restart to properly configure (see bug #69)
Trigger detection of objects is poor in multiplayer

  • v0.3.0.3
    Improved ualAddLogs console command

    Added more log types to the ualAddLogs console command
    Improved log loading where previously it would skip some places

  • v0.3.0.2
    Fixed LEASE button - see #168

    Fix for #173

    Handle sending of null useConfigName strings (I was guaranteed to break something..)
    Add printed text to show sizes in the shop (not final design - see below)

    Hopefully resolves #69 - IMPROVED MP SYNC

    There is quite a high probability that something is broken now - please report any issues

    Big change to the order of events when vehicles are loaded
    New configurations are written to settings (or sent to the server in MP) when clicking "YES" on the buy/lease/edit dialog
    Hopefully this means that the server now gets the settings before creating the vehicle

    I have tested on my own server and seems to work fine, but I don't know how much of the vehicle creation network stuff is synchronous/asynchronous so there is a good chance it may not work sometimes..

  • v0.2.2.4

    Controller "BACK" button should now work for Autoload menu

    Any set input for "MENU_BACK" should now work to exit the menu
    Removed test global menu again

  • v0.2.2.2

    Added more console commands

    ualAddLogs (only TRANSPORT LOGS for now)

  • v0.2.2.1

    Added some more things to the menu

    Fixed "Open Menu" button moving around
    Removed OK button and renamed back button as "Close"
    Enable/Disable autoload still does not do anything (apart from hide the menu)
    New menu items should be self explanitory (NOT FULLY TESTED!)

  • v0.2.2.0

    Added some actual MENU functionality!!

    New menu should work for all items:

    Set bale/log/box/curtain trailer types
    Horizontal Loading
    Side Manual Loading Triggers ("Enable side loading")
    Rear Manual Loading Triggers ("Enable rear loading")
    Front/Rear Unloading


    Enable/Disable Autoload doesn't actually disable anything yet
    Manual loading ONLY works with forklift (not with super strength)
    Added warning about renaming bad config names from earlier versions (see e.g. #127 / #140)

  • v0.2.1.4
    No feature changes

    Fixed an issue where the menu button was not shown in the correct place when changing between different vehicles

  • v0.2.1.3
    Fix for #130

    One line change to prevent error on detecting bales
    Have also put some more bales in my main test savegame

  • v0.2.1.2
    Another update for the weekend - more console commands to follow!

    First console command added - ualAddPallets
    Fix for #104 Added delta for size comparisons to allow for differences in measurements
    Added extra space around BigBags for now because we measure in the centre not at the base
    Adjustment for #5 Reduced transparency of loading volume adjustment dots in shop

  • v0.2.0.1

    Should fix #113 / #115

    sold wood was not detected as leaving the trigger, so now we look for anything that is deleted and check if it was loaded

    NOTE: A reminder to remove any previous settings for log trailers (or bale trailers) from your mod settings file if you had previously bought and configured them before v0.2.0.0

  • v0.2.0.0
    Finally Added LOGS!!

    Log loading is now working (without any collision detection)
    A "log factor" allows for logs to take up less space than if the bounding boxes were stacked
    Also added a speed check to help avoid #108

    Don't expect ALL log trailers to work properly - it should be added for those in WOODTRANSPORT and FORESTRYFORWARDERS categories. I guess some of those shouldn't actually have it. As before with curtain and bale trailers, you should remove any entries from the settings file if you have configured them previously.

    You will also have to RESIZE the box yourself. Log trailers are mostly air with no flat surfaces, so it is difficult to find the loading space programatically.

  • v0.1.0.1

    Should fix #35

    Added margin around triggers to prevent detection of items outside the defined volume
    Fixed a bug that prevented loading other items when the biggest one didn't fit
    Now restraps tension belts after partial unloading

    NOTE: this should fix some of the "item can't be loaded" bugs, but there is a chance of the telefragging pallets type of bug coming back.. Those two bugs are in opposition to each other!

  • v0.1.0.0

    Bumped the version up to v0.1.0.0

    Automatically identify bale and curtain trailers

    NOTE: Your local settings will still override anything automatic, so use the the new detection of bale and curtain trailers the easiest thing is to remove your mod settings file and buy them all again (as you did when you started). OR otherwise you can edit the settings file to remove those trailers that you want to be reconfigured.

  • v0.0.0.18

    Always load longest items first - see bug #43
    Clean up key-binding conflict warning messages

  • v0.0.0.17

    I remebered to update the version in moddesc this time..

    Some extra validation to prevent #99
    Fix for bug #72 - Don't stack sapling pallets

  • v0.0.0.16

    Fix for #94

    The issue here was a key binding conflict of "UAL unload" with "Crab Steering (All)" - both using shift-I

    I have made a compromise where UAL overrides the other bindings if they are either one of 'TOGGLE_TIPSIDE' or 'CRABSTEERING_ALLWHEEL'. This seems reasonable, since we want to use our own tip-side command and you can still change the crab steering using toggle (ctrl-Y). If you change your key bindings so they don't conflict, then nothing gets overridden anyway.

    Note: you will get some log entries like:

    UAL - key binding for UNLOAD_ALL failed to register
    removed conflicting action: CRABSTEERING_ALLWHEEL

    UAL - key binding for SELECT_ALL_MATERIALS failed to register
    conflicting action is: TOGGLE_CRABSTEERING

    This is to help with debugging any unforseen issues and I'll remove it once it seems to be working.

  • v0.0.0.15

    It has been 2 days - so it must be time for a new release!

    Added other train carriages (see bug #84 )
    Handle configs and configSets (see bugs #21, #55)
    Some refactoring and extra debugging to help identify what is going on with the loading bugs

    NOTE: if you already own the International CV Series truck, you will probably have to re-configure it in the shop or workshop. BUT at least now it will recognise the different size options for the cab.

  • v0.0.0.14

    Some QoL Changes

    Updated most of the language PRs
    Set horizontal loading default key to INSERT
    Added new messages for "trailer full" vs "item too big"
    Logic change when loading that should prevent bugs like #53
    Set moddesc version back to 92 because I am bored of answering bugs about the game not loading for people who have not updated yet..

    NOTE: Thanks to everyone for help with the translations, but please wait before adding any more language PRs. I will be adding A LOT more strings when I make the menu, and probably editing existing ones. It is much easier for me to update the final language file than doing a whole load of small changes that may not even be needed.

  • v0.0.0.13

    Actually fixed the loading bugs.. (MAYBE..)

    Removed references to "partially" unloaded for now
    The real fix was to treat loading the same way as bale collection mode - since that does not rely on collision detection, which is currently not active

  • v0.0.0.11

    Hopefully fixes #63

    Removed train carriages for now so the missing load area messages will not be shown for those
    Prevented two errors reported by PARADOX070 when restarting after the settings file is removed

  • v0.0.0.10

    Mostly UNTESTED lunch time release..

    (I checked that it loaded into the game, but please test changes for me if you are able to)

    Added "*** LOAD AREAS MISSING ***" warning to help identify bad configurations. If you see that warning, please check (or delete) your mod settings file
    Shortened strings for bug #51
    Most recent configuration now restored when re-entering the shop
    Resetting (shift-ctrl-click) is only saved when the vehicle is bought, leased or changed
    Add "area full" flags for each loading area - related to e.g. bugs #9 and #60
    Only display warning messages for players who are in the current vehicle - see #59
    Display simple addExtraPrintText with loaded count for debugging in MP (will add more features over time)

  • v0.0.0.9

    Left some debugging prints in the last version by mistake!

    see bug #47

  • v0.0.0.8


    Finally got the pallet/bale positions to update in MP
    Load/Unload button correctly updates in MP
    Vehicle settings are now saved when leasing (as well as when buying)

  • v0.0.0.7

    TEMPORARY fix for issue with loading on most vehicles

    I realise now that the current issue is because loading triggers cannot be resized
    I have made a temporary change that should improve loading for all previously existing vehicles on a savegame
    Newly purchased ones will likely still have issues

  • v0.0.0.6

    Added some checks to prevent #26

    I think that #26 was caused by missing settings, so should not happen anymore
    I will add further validation of settings before applying them in a future update

  • v0.0.0.5

    Some BIG changes to Multiplayer

    Good things:

    The vehicle settings are now written to the server for vehicles bought in the shop or edited in the workshop by clients
    FOR NOW this happens for ALL clients, so it will keep overwriting the default settings every time you change it
    The existing vehicles will not update until the next restart of the game/server
    Added a lot more debugging to help diagnose the main issues at the moment

    Bad things:

    There was a LOT of refactoring, so there are likely to be new bugs now
    Detecting pallets on the server is still very unreliable (see #15). It seems totally broken, but you CAN get them to work by moving the pallets around and toggling the loading filters/settings to encourage an update. I WILL WORK ON THIS!!

  • loki79uk