Gooseneck Trailer

  • Gooseneck Trailer
  • Gooseneck Trailer
  • Gooseneck Trailer
  • Gooseneck Trailer
Tunkaroo Modding
120 subscribers
18 814

Update 12/08/24 - Winch is now fully functional. Corrected store location to "lowloaders". Shortened neck of the trailer.

Minor Update 12/04/24 - Added attacher joint for semi's, fixed some collision isses, color option for wheels, and adjusted weight.

Gooseneck Trailer Mod For FS25. After creating personal private mods for all of FS22 I decided to release a few of my current projects for FS25. This is a WIP goosneck trailer. Everything functions as expected. The spotlights on the tongue of the gooseneck do function but the way that I mapped them they only work with a vehicle that has it's lights configured the way I do my personal vehicle mods.

There may be an error here and there in the log. Some PNG textures I still need cleaning up. But, I've cleaned it up for the most part. I will update it once I add more to the model.
Next update I plan to have the winch operational with a few other small details.

Chevy 2500 pictured is my personal private mod. It's still a work in progress and I haven't decided if I will release to the public.

  • Update 12/08/24 - Winch is now fully functional. Corrected store location to "lowloaders". Shortened neck of the trailer.

  • Minor Update 12/04/24 - Added attacher joint for semi's, fixed some collision isses, color option for wheels, and adjusted weight.
