Info :
-John Deere 8R manufacturing year: 2016;
-Max speed: 50 kph;
-Price: 100.000 € (depending on configuration);
-Power: 245 - 400 HP;
-Compatible with Ground Deformation System;
-AI Worker compatible;
-Lights are now visible on the hood;
-The turn signals are working;
-The front working lights are working;
-The back working lights are working;
-The beams are working;
-The front/back hydraulics fully compatible with any tool;
-Fixed/added AI Worker;
-Added collisions;
-Front lights can be visually seen on the hood;
-Removed unnecessary configurations for better performance;
-3D mud on wheels;
-GPS texture added;
-Rim color changed;
-John Deere back window banner removed.
-Price lowered.
-Added multi-color rim configuration;
-Fixed driver broken hands;
-Added configuration for GPS;
-Added configuration for CB Radio;
-Fixed steering wheel speed for an realistic gameplay;
-Twin tires got an resize;
-Fixed broken refueling;
-Changed the ModDesc to an newer version;
UPDATE V3.0.0.1
-Fixed visual decals bugged at low light;
-Fixed glass reflection during night;
IMPORTANT: I only post mods on KingMods! The other websites that reupload my work are not under my possession and permission, and I am not responsible for the publication and copyright issues that arise from them.
Enjoy the mod !
-Fixed visual decals bugged at low light;
-Fixed glass reflection during night;
-Added multi-color rim configuration;
-Fixed driver broken hands;
-Added configuration for GPS;
-Added configuration for CB Radio;
-Fixed steering wheel speed for an realistic gameplay;
-Twin tires got an resize;
-Fixed broken refueling;
-Changed the ModDesc to an newer version;
-Fixed/added AI Worker;
-Added collisions;
-Front lights can be visually seen on the hood;
-Removed unnecessary configurations for better performance;
-3D mud on wheels;
-GPS texture added;
-Rim color changed;
-John Deere back window banner removed.
-Price lowered.