Angeliter Land

  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
  • Angeliter Land
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Welcome to Angeliter Land!
This is a fictional map. Only the name “Angeln” comes from the region in Schleswig-Holstein.
There are 34 medium-sized fields. A large area of ​​forest for forestry work. There are 22 collectibles to be found on the map.
Many productions have already been placed.
Suggestions for improvement are welcome. The map is designed for single player mode.
But it should also work in MP. Please respect my work and do not upload the map to other sites.

  • Minor bug fixes. This does NOT require a new savegame!

  • - Road completely revised (texture can be plowed over with field creation, height can be adjusted. Only the road. Snow can be removed) This change requires a new savegame, or replaces the "terrain.heightmap.png" from a new savegame.
    - Snow map revised
    - Trees in field 2 revised
    - Removed grass from the shop
    - Stable capacities increased
    - Built-in productions produce slightly faster
    - Milk and cotton can be sold directly
    - Field border of field 30 revised
    - Straw trading entrance revised
    - Adjusted various collisions
    - Farmhouse construction project added (only Farm1 can be built and removed in the MP)
    - Fir trees in the forest placed at ground level
    - Added manure and manure purchase station at the animal dealer

  • - No more mowing fields when creating fields (only in the new save game)
    - Water tarpaulin adjusted
    - Raiffeisen sales point can be reached with the AI ​​helper (possibly not with all vehicle combinations)
    - German license plates added
    - Adjusted some ambient sounds
    - minor cosmetic adjustments
    - Some collision adjustments
    - Removed some unnecessary files

  • Thanks for playing the first version and reporting the first error messages.
    Due to health concerns, there have been some embarrassing omissions from the map.

    Version has changed significantly in terms of vegetation, for this reason I recommend everyone a new save so that all changes become active.

    Revision :
    - Mulching should now work
    - The water cover creates movement
    -Dairy site
    - Complete forest
    - PDA card
    - Visit to agricultural land outside the building
    - BHP can be approached (other products can be approached, perhaps not all)
    - Guiding devices have a texture
    - Grass can be mowed outside the field
    - Optimized grooves
    - Surface area of ​​the sawmill
    - Adjusted land prices
    - “starting from scratch” really makes you start from scratch

    - various flying objects
    - tree on field 23
    - menu panel
