[© 2025 DrakenKiele - DK Modding. All rights reserved. This content may not be copied or reproduced on any other website without explicit permission. Email: [email protected] - If you have done this simply change your link to this site for the download. All my mods are posted first on KingMods.com. Any other site that does not redirect back to KingMods.com is violating copyright law.]
Add's Bovine's Best TMR Big Bag cow food.
This simple TMR Cow Food Mod has been copied around the world to over 30 modding sites. But this is just the beginning. I have about 6 mods in-work. I have provided links below where you will be able to see my projects in GitHub as well as make small donations to my PayPal.
As I add more of my mods to GitHub, I wll be testing and then making them available. This is also a point of contact.
I have created a Paypal for those who have expressed that they would like to donate for my efforts. I have set this up for single US dolar donations. You can choose any amount from 1 to 100. Thank you for your donations. You will never know how much your appreciation for my efforts will help me and my family.