Vehicles and Tools pack from version 22 rewritten to version 25. Machines from companies starting with letters R-T:
Rabe - EG 3/9
Rigitrack - SKE50
Ropa - Panther 2, RR 6x45
Rostselmash - K12200, Nova330, PowerStream500, Rsm2375
Rottne - H21D
RudolfSchouten - Sp6834, Vt130
Salek - pn2300
Samasz - City180, Olimp330
SamsonAgro - Flex2023
Schaeffer - Loader2630, Loader4670T
SeppKnusel - F240
Siloking - Sf4Premium, Tl4Premium
Steyr - Series8150
Strautmann - Aperion3401, Magnon530, Ps3401, VertiMix1702, ZelonCFS2501DO
TmcCancela - Tfk200, Tjp610
Treffler - Ts1520
Check out my other vehicle packs and let me know what you think.
- Ropa Panther2 Cardan shaft visual effect
- Sepp Knusel F240 surface colors
- Siloking Sf4 Premium arm trigger
- Strautmann VertiMix1702 arm trigger
- loading triggers, refueling triggers, in case of problems get out and get into the vehicle
- color selection for vehicles
I fixed:
- the collision of all vehicles.
- trigger for animal feed wagons (Siloking, Strautmann).
I have restored:
- the unfolding/folding animation for the Ropa Panther2.
- the ability to change colors for vehicles: Rabe - Eg39, RigiTrac - Ske50