Freche Dachskarte 4X

  • Freche Dachskarte 4X
  • Freche Dachskarte 4X
  • Freche Dachskarte 4X
  • Freche Dachskarte 4X
  • Freche Dachskarte 4X
  • Freche Dachskarte 4X
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Published by KingMods
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Here you have a fictional map in 4X
Everything a farmer and forester among you needs is available.
Key data:
200 fields, including 18 meadows, 26 forest areas with approximately 38,000 trees, 5 buildable open spaces, 18 sales points, 7 purchasing points.

  • Rapeseed fields have been corrected to limit FPS drops
    Special sign [F key change label]
    Field 18/53/54/78/82/87/174/175 “Shrub” corrected
    Adjusted AI traffic [traffic density doubled]

  • -The signs now have a new font
    -Field 95 at the dirt road
    -Personalized shop wall
    -Revised and personalized Colli livestock trade
    -The night is now darker
    -Field borders adjusted [PRAIRIE]
    -Latest tree fix
    -Adjusted fog

  • New field borders for fields 35-200
    Road tetur construction area 232 adjusted
    Wood Mission Adjusted

    No new save game needed

  • New field borders for fields 1-34 (the rest will come via hotfix)
    Ground collision regenerated. (Error placing)
    some trees adjusted
    Remove grass from places where it doesn't belong
    Grass stubble destruction removed

    A new save game is required for the update. Instructions for this in the Discord

  • -German road signs (Premade*) by Raabiboy

    -Field 23, 35, 47, 52, 53, 70, 71, 80, 82, 99, 108, 113, 117, 121 125, 132, 156, 160, 180, 187, Tree Fix

    -Field 8 crossing panel, double Rewe correction

    -Meadow (Decograss) completely removed and replaced with flowering grass

    -Complete map adapted from dirt roads

    -Field paths are provided with AI Spline

    -Expanded access to fields

    -Field 14, 22, 28, 73, 78, 97, adjusted route generation

    -Grain AG Colli removes tipping point

    -Translation DE EN FR

    -Revised agricultural machinery

    -Tree limit fixed

    -A new save is required for updating.

  • Changelog

    Hol sales trigger installed.
    Inequality at field level 36 on the adjusted route
    Adjusted meadow no infinite grass is fixed
    Pallets made purchasable
    Land sales and Domaine Raiffeisen

    You currently cannot plant/plant/place other trees yourself, the issue will be resolved later.

    <div class="spoilerContent">
    <p>Aktuell kann man keine weiteren Bäume selbst Pflanzen/setzten/platzieren, Problemlösung folgt dazu noch.</p>

  • Changelog

    -Farmland 230 adjusted
    -Adjusted the appearance of the vehicle at the dealership
    -Destruction of stubble for barley, addition of oats, millet, soya, sunflower and wheat.
    -Added DecoBush
    -Adjusted sawmill flying objects

  • Kaffeekirsche