This 7010 Series from John Deere come with a sleuth of personnalization to make it unique !
*Basic Price: 80.000 €
*Power: 160-175 hp
*Max Speed: 45 km/h
New specifications:
*Added New Engine power config (JD 7710)
*Added Chain on FH config
*Added Exhaust config (Standard / Chrome)
*Added Deer on bonet config
*Added JD GPS config
*Added CB Radio config
*Added Air trumpets config + new sound horn
*Added Michelin Mann config
*Added Warning sings config
*Added Horseshoe on grill config
*Added Warning stickers config
*Added JD stickers config ( Front window and roof)
*Added JD plates in cabin config
*Added Strobes lights config
*Opened left door and rear window with mouse control
*New windows textures
*New dynamic smoke
*New details in model
Mod Specializations:
-Wheels / Tires config
-FL console config
-Number Plates config
-Animated indoor huds
-Animated parts in cabin
-Lights, work lights, turn signals and beacon lights