Hemp Production System
Game: Farming Simulator 25
The Hemp Production system is a comprehensive system designed around the growing and production of hemp and hemp related products.
1. Green House - Input: Water & Fertilizer.
Output: Hemp, Hemp Seeds & Hemp Fiber.
Note: 2 versions of the green house are included. One has open productions, the other has shared productions. The shared version has 3 levels of output for each item, slow, normal and fast, allowing you to tailor the system to your play style.
2. Hemp Factory - Input: Hemp, Hemp Seeds, Hemp Fiber, Water, Bottled Goat Milk, Flour, Honey & Oats.
Output: Hemp Oil, Hemp Fabric, Hemp Paper, Hemp Rope, Hemp Twine, Hemp Chocolate & Hemp Seed Cereal
3. Bakery - Input: Hemp, Hemp Seeds, Hemp Chocolate, Flour, Oats, Honey, Bottled Goat Milk, Water & Strawberries.
Output: Hemp Seed Bread, Cookies, Brownies & Gummy Bears.
4. Tailor - Input: Hemp Cloth.
Output: Hemp Clothes
5. Rope Factory - Input: Hemp Fiber.
Output: Hemp Rope & Hemp Twine.
All items are sellable through the normal outlets.
Added 2 levels of output per item to the shared production green house. Now you can tailor the system to your play style.
Added missing foliage to the green house seed and fiber productions.
1. NEW buildings! - All new buildings have been added for the main factory, bakery, tailor and rope factory to replace the game assets used in development.
2. Gummy Bears have been added to the bakery. With that, water and strawberries have been added to the bakery input.
3. A greenhouse with shared productions has been added for the people that want to play with a lower output.
1. Hemp crop models have been updated.
2. Pallet sizes have increased to 4000 liters.
3. Hemp Tailor - redesigned pallet spawn area and increased production.
4. Hemp Bakery - removed loading markers, increased production output slightly.
5. Hemp Factory - increased output on Hemp Chocolate and Hemp Fabric.
1. Updated modDesc version.
2. Added the Happy Harvests brand logo.
3. Added sell categories so now all items are sellable at the normal outlets.
4. Removed the hemp selling station.
Removed included development hemp factory.
Fixed missing trigger marker on greenhouse.
Updated a few icons.
Fixed a couple warnings in the factory and rope factory.
v1.2 New additions:
Hemp Fiber
Hemp Rope
Hemp Twine
Hemp Rope/Twine factory
Hemp cloth and paper now use hemp fiber instead of hemp.
Due to the added products and recipe changes several input/output values and prices were adjusted.